The Beginning of Leaving the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 1)

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Peace to all the brothers and sisters in God’s family! Amen

Let’s open our Bible to Hebrews Chapter 6, verses 1-2, and read them together: Therefore, we should leave the beginning of the doctrine of Christ and press on to perfection, without laying any more foundations, such as repentance from dead works, trust in God, all baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment, etc. lesson.

Today we will study, fellowship, and share with you "The Beginning of Leaving the Doctrine of Christ" No. 1 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba, Holy Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! The "virtuous woman" church sends out workers - through the word of truth that they write and speak in their hands, which is the gospel of our salvation and glory. Food is transported from the sky from afar and supplied to us at the right time, so that our spiritual life will be richer and renewed day by day! Amen. Pray that the Lord Jesus will continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truths. Understand that we should leave the beginning of the doctrine of Christ and strive to advance to perfection .

The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

The Beginning of Leaving the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 1)

Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ

ask: What are the beginnings of departing from the doctrine of Christ?
answer: Detailed explanation below

(1) The beginning of Holy Word Primary School - Hebrews 5:12
(2) When we were children, we were governed by secular primary schools - Gal. 4:3
(3) Out of the primary school of the world - Colossians 2:21
(4) Why do you want to return to a cowardly and useless elementary school and be willing to be his slave again? -Refer to plus chapter 4, verse 9

Note: What is the beginning of the doctrine of Christ? From Genesis "The Law of Adam, the Law of Moses" to the Book of Malachi, it is the "Old Testament" → The law was passed down through Moses, and it was not Moses who preached the law; from the Gospel of Matthew to the Book of Revelation, it is the "New Testament" Grace and truth both come through Jesus Christ - see John 1:17. So what is the beginning of the doctrine of Christ? The Old Testament preaches the law, while the New Testament preaches Jesus Christ - grace and truth. → The beginning of the doctrine of Christ is → From the Old Testament 'covenant of law' to the New Testament 'covenant of grace and truth!' This is called Christ. Do you understand the beginning of the truth?

(For example, A…………B…………C)
→From point A...→Point B is the "Old Testament-Covenant of Law"; from point B...→Point C is "New Testament-Covenant of Grace". When will the incarnate Jesus Christ appear? Point B appears! "Point B is the beginning → the beginning of the teaching of Jesus Christ, from B point all the way to C Everything Preach the grace, truth and salvation of Jesus Christ ; From A...→B under the law is "the old covenant, the old man, a slave, a slave to sin", from B...→C under grace is "the new covenant, the new man, a righteous man, a son"! leave" B Point "is rebirth". Leaving "point B" means the new man, the righteous man, the son! The Son of God is the saint "Christian" → If you are a Christian, you should not leave "point B"... → Go to point C Keep running towards the goal, and you will get glory, rewards, and crowns in the future. Amen! If you don’t leave the beginning of "Point B". "→At the beginning of the teachings of Christ, these people have problems with their faith. Without understanding the salvation of Christ, these people have not been reborn or grown up. They are the old man, slaves, and slaves of sin. They will be judged in the last day. According to the These people are under the law, and they are all judged according to what they have done "under the law." See Revelation 20:13. Do you understand this? )

The Beginning of Leaving the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 1)-picture2

The Beginning of Leaving Christ's Doctrine:

1 leave old testament Enter New Testament
2 leave law covenant Enter covenant of grace
3 leave old man Enter New man (that is, put on the new man)
4 leave sinner Enter The righteous (that is, justified by faith)
5 leave Adam Enter Christ (that is, in Christ)
6 leave Earthen Enter Born of the Holy Spirit (i.e. reborn)
7 leave world Enter In glory (i.e. the kingdom of God)

Jesus said, "I have given them your word. And the world hates them; because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. See John 17:14;
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, appears, you also will appear with him in glory. Refer to Colossians chapter 3 verses 3-4.

"Warning against apostates":

Hebrews 5:11-12, here it says, "Concerning Melchizedek we have many things to say, and it is difficult to understand" because you cannot understand them. That is, they were under the Law of Moses. The slaves do not understand this doctrine." Verse 12 goes on to say: "Look at how hard you study." They also often study the teachings of the Mosaic Law in the Bible. They should be teachers → they should be teachers who preach the gospel, but some people are what kind of teachers. ? Romans 2:17-20 "He is a teacher of fools and a teacher of children." Are you deceiving children? Are you praising them or sarcastic? Paul's irony is sarcastic. They are blind leaders. Why are they said to be blind? What about the master who leads the way and is a stupid person? They teach others to keep the law, but they cannot keep the righteousness required by the law. They don’t even keep the law themselves, so they teach others to keep the law. Breaking the law is sin. If you sin under the law, you will be punished. Those under the curse of the law → they look to the Messiah to deliver them from the curse of the law," law The essence of "is love → it refers to Christ, the savior! Keeping the letter of the law will kill people, because if you fail to keep the letter and regulations of the law, you will be judged and cursed; The spirit of the law is love - it points to the "spiritual spirit" of Christ and makes people alive . The law cannot save you, it is just a "trainer" to lead us to Christ, and we are justified and saved by faith in Christ → Gal. 3:23-25 But the principle of salvation by faith has not yet come, and we are guarded by the law. Under the law, we will circle until the true way of the future is revealed. In this way, the law is our tutor, leading us to Christ so that we can be justified by faith. Do you understand this?

But now that the truth of salvation by faith has come, we are no longer under the "teacher" of the law → the law is our tutor. Note: It says here that "the law is our tutor, our tutor" It's the law, do you understand it?" Since the salvation of Jesus Christ has come, we are no longer under the hand of the teacher "the law" → but under the salvation hand of Christ. We are redeemed and preserved in Christ → in this way, are we separated or left? Tutor "The law, yes! Do you understand?

The Beginning of Leaving the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 1)-picture3

Next, Hebrews 5:12b →…Who knows, someone will have to teach you the beginning of the primary school of God’s word, and you will become those who need milk and cannot eat solid food.


1 What were the beginnings of Holy Word Elementary School? As mentioned before → The beginning is the beginning of "B point", the beginning → called Shengyan Primary School
2 When we were children, we were no different from slaves. We were under the control of a secular primary school under the master "the law" and the steward "Moses" - Gal. 4:1-3,
3 Breaking away from the elementary "laws" and regulations of the world such as "Thou shalt not handle, Thou shalt not taste, Thou shalt not touch" - Colossians 2:21
4 Why would you want to return to a cowardly and useless elementary school and be willing to be his slave again? →"Cowardly and useless primary school" refers to the laws and regulations. Are the regulations and rules of the law useful? → Refer to Gal. 4:9

It says here" A wimpy and useless elementary school, isn't it? "→The former ordinance, being weak and unfruitful, was done away with (the law accomplished nothing), and a better hope was introduced, by which we can approach God. Hebrews 7:18 -Verse 19→ (The law turns out to be nothing) Is this what God says in the Bible? Or is it what God says? Do you believe what God says? Do you listen to the voice of the Lord? Say ": My sheep hear my voice! Are you the Lord’s sheep? Some people don't like to hear the words of God, but they like to hear the words of men, "even the words of devils." These people say they like to listen to the words of men, listen to the elders, and believe in the words of the pastor. If you don’t believe what God says in the Bible, do you believe in Jesus?

So Jesus said, "These people worship me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me; they profess faith in Jesus with their lips, but their hearts are far away from the Lord." Jesus said, "These people worship me in vain." Do you understand? →Many churches around the world today, including family churches, church churches, Seventh-day Adventists, Charismatics, Evangelicals, Lost Sheep, Korean churches, etc., will teach you the beginning of the primary school of God’s word → Return to the "cowardly and useless primary school" To keep the law of Moses → is to be willing to be under the law and to be a slave to sin again. Look at what 2 Peter chapter 2 verses 20-22 says → If they were saved from the filthiness of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and later became entangled and overcome in it, their final situation would be even worse than the first. . They know the way of righteousness, but they have turned their backs on the holy commandment given to them, and it would be better if they did not know it. The proverb is true: what a dog vomits, it turns around and eats again; when a pig is washed, it returns to roll in the mud; this saying is just right for them. Do you understand?

OK! Today we have examined, communicated, and shared here. We will share it in the next issue: Lecture 2 of the Beginning of Leaving Christ → Leaving "sin", repenting of dead works, and trusting God.

Text sharing sermons, moved by the Spirit of God. Workers of Jesus Christ, Brother Wang*Yun, Sister Liu, Sister Zheng, Brother Cen, and other co-workers, support and work together in the gospel work of the Church of Jesus Christ. They preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel that allows people to be saved, glorified, and have their bodies redeemed! Amen, their names are written in the book of life. Amen! →As Philippians 4:2-3 says, Paul, Timothy, Euodia, Syntyche, Clement, and others who worked with Paul, their names are in the book of life superior. Amen!

Hymn "Departure"

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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit always be with you all! Amen



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  Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ


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