Peace to all the brothers and sisters in God’s family! Amen
Let’s open the Bible to Hebrews Chapter 6, verse 2, and read together: Baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment .
Today we will continue to study, fellowship, and share " Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ 》No. 3 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba, Holy Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! The "virtuous woman" church sends out workers - through the word of truth that they write and speak in their hands, which is the gospel of our salvation and glory. Food is transported from the sky from afar and supplied to us at the right time, so that our spiritual life will be richer and renewed day by day! Amen. Pray that the Lord Jesus will continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible, so that we can hear and see spiritual truths, and understand the beginning of the doctrine that should leave Christ. Leave the letter, the statute, the shadow, the law of condemnation .
The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
ask: Why leave → the teachings of baptism, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment?
answer: 1 “Baptism” → We are baptized into the death of Christ only once;
2 The laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead → We die, are buried, and rise again with Christ only once;
3 And the teaching of eternal judgment for all levels → Christ was judged by the law only once for our sins, and fulfilled the law only once → We died with Christ and were judged only once, there cannot be multiple judgments or eternal judgment for each level lesson. So these are the beginnings and they all have to go → Do you understand this?
The law apart from the shadow, the statutes, the letter, the ordinances of the flesh
(1) Jesus redeemed us from under the law
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4-5
ask: Do those who are under the law have the sonship of God?
answer: No . The law of "letters, ordinances, or statutes" condemns people, and letters kill people → Letters of the law, because I cannot keep the ordinances, they condemn me, curse me, and judge me. Therefore, the letter causes death, and the letter of the law causes death. If you are under the law, you are a dead person and do not have the sonship of God. Do you understand?
(2) Jesus blotted out the statute, took it away and nailed it to the cross
...who made you alive together with Christ, and blotted out the handwriting of statutes that was against us, and which was against us, taking them out of the way, nailing them to the cross. Colossians 2:13-14
ask: What does it mean to blot out a statute, take it away and crucify it?
answer: He made you alive together with Christ → "born again, sons of God, righteous and heavenly, and not slaves" → He also blotted out the "laws" which are the ordinances written in the law, which attack us The "paper evidence" that hindered us → was the evidence, the evidence that attacked and judged me and condemned me, was removed and nailed to the cross. Do you understand?
Therefore, the letters of the law are for death, and the ordinances of the law and the ordinances of the flesh → are for the old man. servant "It was not established for sinners" righteous man "Established by the Son - refer to 1 Timothy chapter 8 verse 9. Christ has blotted out the laws and regulations for our "new self born of God". Jesus was afraid that we would find letters of laws and regulations to keep, so he blotted out and removed them from the cross. . Then we will have no laws or ordinances against us → for where there is no law, there is none. There are transgressions; without the law, sin is not considered sin. Without laws and regulations, you cannot be convicted, so sin is not considered sin, because the new man born of God does not sin if he abides in Christ. As Paul said, even he does not sin. You cannot judge yourself or condemn yourself. Do you understand this? See 1 Corinthians 4:3 and Romans 5:13.
(3) Free from the law
ask: Why break away from the law?
answer: Detailed explanation below
1 Where there is no law, there is no transgression - Romans 4:15
2 Without the law, sin is not considered sin - Romans 5:13
3 For without the law sin is dead - Romans 7:8
As Paul said → So, what can we say? Is the law sin? Absolutely not! But if it weren’t for the law, I wouldn’t know what sin is. Unless the law says, "Thou shalt not be greedy," I would not know what greed is. However, sin took the opportunity to activate all kinds of covetousness in me through the commandment; for without the law, sin is dead. Before I was alive without the law; but when the commandment came, sin came to life again, and I died. Refer to Romans 7:7-9. Note: When the commandment of the law comes, sin is alive again → without the law, sin is dead. If you want the law and keep the law → you must " crime "all live If you die, you will die. Do you understand what God said through Paul?
ask: How to escape the law?
answer: Delivered from the law through the body of Christ crucified→Christ alone for If all die, all are dead → So, my brothers, you also are dead to the law through the body of Christ... Romans 7:4 → But since we bind our law Being dead to the law, we are now free from the law so that we can serve the Lord ( Only those who are free from the law and are sons can serve the Lord ; if you are not free from the law and are a slave to sin, you will not be able to serve the Lord), according to the newness of the spirit (spirit: or translated as the Holy Spirit), not according to the old way of the ritual. Refer to Romans 7:6, do you understand?
(4) Laws and regulations are weak and useless elementary schools
ask: Why a cowardly and useless elementary school?
answer: Because there are regulations in the law, we cannot keep them by relying on the flesh, and the law will judge me and condemn me to death, so it is a cowardly and useless elementary school → Now that you know God, and it can be said that you are known by God, why do you still need it? Returning to that cowardly and useless primary school, are you willing to be his slave again? Refer to Galatians Chapter 4 Verse 9
(5) The law turns out to accomplish nothing
ask: Why is it said that the law accomplished nothing?
answer: Because we cannot keep the regulations of the law, it is weak and useless, a cowardly and useless elementary school. Since the law is useless and achieves nothing, Jesus "blotted it out, removed it, and abolished it" through death. Crucified. So, do you understand? →The former ordinance, being weak and useless, was done away with (the law had accomplished nothing), and a better hope was introduced, by which we can approach God. Refer to Hebrews 7:18-19
(6) The law is a shadow of good things to come
Since the law is a shadow of good things to come and not the true image of the thing, it cannot perfect those who come near by offering the same sacrifice every year. Hebrews 10:1
ask: What does it mean that the law is a shadow of good things to come?
answer: Was "Adam" in Genesis created in the image and likeness of "Jehovah God"? Yes! So is “Jesus” the Almighty God, the Eternal Father, and the Prince of Peace? Jesus said to Philip! Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father - refer to John 14:9-11. "Adam" is called man because he was created in the image and likeness of "Jesus" who had not yet been incarnated, right? so" Adam "The premonition is virtual and a shadow! The real image is" Jesus ", called the last Adam! Right? Then the law is a carnal regulation, established for carnal people → Hebrews 7:16 " Jesus "He became a priest, not according to carnal ordinances, but according to the power of infinite (original, indestructible) life. → Therefore, "Adam was a type, a shadow, and the law was a shadow, the beauty to come. The shadow of things. Adam and the law are both " Shadow ", the shadow will move with time, become empty, and return to nothing. Adam and the law, that is, the Old Testament, will gradually become old and fade into nothing → See Hebrews 8:13, so you cannot keep the law, it was originally is a " Shadow "The law is a shadow of the good things to come, not the true image of the thing. The true image of the law is Christ! Do you understand this?
(7) The summary of the law is Christ, and the true image is Christ
ask: Since the law is a shadow of good things to come, who is the true image of the law?
answer: The image of the law is Christ, and the end of the law is Christ → The end of the law is Christ, that whoever believes in Him may receive righteousness. Refer to Romans 10:4; The statutes and precepts of the law are an afterthought, but the form is truly like Christ → Therefore, do not let anyone judge you, whether in matters of food or drink, or on festivals, new moons, or Sabbaths. These are shadows of things to come; but the form is Christ. See Colossians 2:16-17.
Note: When you abide in Christ, you are in the true image, the substance, and the true image of the law. → Christ fulfills the law, and we fulfill the law. Christ has no sin and cannot sin, and we have no sin. Do not break the law and sin. Because you are not in the "shadow" law, you will not break the law; if you were in Adam, you were in the shadow, " snake "To tempt you, you will break the law, break the law, and breaking the law is sin. So, do you understand?
Therefore, we should leave the beginning of the doctrine of Christ→ 1 Turn away from regretful and dead works, 2 Leave the cowardly and useless primary school, leave the law that accomplishes nothing, run straight to the goal, and strive to advance to perfection; don't want At the beginning of primary school, I confessed my sins and repented every day and regretted my bad deeds; don't want He has returned to the weak and useless primary school of laws and regulations, and is willing to be his slave again. don't want Like a dog that vomits, it turns around and eats it again; a pig is washed and goes back to rolling in the mud. A pig is unclean to you because it has a two-parted hoof but does not chew the cud. " pig ” refers to those who are unclean. Although they know how to distinguish the Old Testament and the New Testament, they do not chew the cud. No faith in harmony with what you hear , it is of no benefit to them, so they remain unclean. Refer to Leviticus 11:7 and 2 Peter 2:22. Do you understand clearly?
OK! Today we have finished our examination, fellowship, and sharing here. Let’s share in the next issue: The Beginning of Leaving Christ’s Doctrine, Lecture 4 “Leave the Old Man and Put on the New Man”
Gospel transcript sharing, moved by the Spirit of God. Workers of Jesus Christ, Brother Wang*Yun, Sister Liu, Sister Zheng, Brother Cen... and other co-workers support and work together in the gospel work of the Church of Jesus Christ. Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel that allows people to be saved, glorified, and have their bodies redeemed. Their names are written in the book of life. Amen! →As Philippians 4:2-3 says, Paul, Timothy, Euodia, Syntyche, Clement, and others who worked with Paul, their names are in the book of life superior. Amen!
Hymn: Lord, I Believe
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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit always be with you all! Amen
2021.07, 03