Separation The New Testament is separated from the Old Testament

11/22/24    2      the glorified gospel   
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Peace to my dear brothers and sisters in God’s family! Amen

Let’s open our Bible to 1 Corinthians 11, verses 24-25, and read together: After he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which was broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me." After the meal, he also took the cup in the same way. Come and say, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink from it, do this in remembrance of me."

Today we will study, fellowship, and share together "separate" No. 2 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! virtuous woman The [Church] sends forth workers ** through the word of truth written and spoken in their hands, which is the gospel of our salvation and glory. Food is transported from the sky from afar and supplied to us at the right time to make our spiritual life richer! Amen. Ask the Lord Jesus to continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truths → Understand that the Lord Jesus used His own blood to establish a "New Covenant" with us so that we can be justified and receive the title of sons of God. .

The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

Separation The New Testament is separated from the Old Testament

Old Testament

( 1 ) Covenant of Adam's Law → Covenant of Life and Death

The Lord God commanded "Adam":"You may freely eat from any tree of the garden, but you shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day you eat from it you will surely die!" - -Genesis 2:16-17

( 2 ) Noah’s Rainbow Covenant

God said: "There is a sign of my everlasting covenant between me and you and every living creature that is with you. I put the rainbow in the cloud, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. - Genesis Genesis Chapter 9 Verses 12-13. Note: The Rainbow Covenant → is the covenant of peace → is the "everlasting covenant" → it typifies the "new covenant" that Jesus makes with us, which is the eternal covenant.

( 3 ) Abrahamic Covenant of Faith

The LORD also spoke to him, saying, “This man will not be your heir; only your offspring will be your heir.” So he took him outside and said, “Look up to heaven and number the stars. Can you count them?" And he said to him, "So shall your descendants be." Abram "believed" in the LORD, and the LORD counted it to him as righteousness. --Genesis 15:4-6. Note: The Abrahamic covenant → the "faith" covenant → the "promise" covenant → "justification" by "faith".

( 4 ) Mosaic Law Covenant

"Ten Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments" → Moses called "all the Israelites" and said to them, "O Israel, listen to the statutes and ordinances that I am giving you today, so that you may learn them and observe them. The Lord Our God made a covenant with us at Mount Horeb. This "covenant" was not made with our ancestors, but with us who are alive here today - Deuteronomy 5:1-3.

Separation The New Testament is separated from the Old Testament-picture2

[Note]: "Old Testament" →includes 1 Adam's Law Covenant, 2 Noah's Rainbow Covenant of Peace typified the New Covenant, 3 Abraham's Faith-Promise Covenant, 4 The Mosaic Law Covenant was made with the Israelites.

Because of the weakness of our flesh, we are unable to fulfill the "righteousness of the law", that is, the "commandments, ordinances, and ordinances" of the law. Failure to do so is a breach of contract.

1 The previous regulations were weak and useless → so they were abolished

The previous ordinances were done away with because they were weak and unprofitable. Reference - Hebrews 7:18 → Isaiah 28:18 Your covenant with death "will surely be broken", and your covenant with Hades. The alliance will not stand.

2 The law achieves nothing → must be changed

(The law accomplished nothing) thus introducing a better hope by which we can enter into the presence of God. Hebrews 7:19 → Now that the priesthood has been changed, the law must also be changed. --Hebrews 7:12

3 Defects in the previous agreement → Make a new covenant

If there were no flaws in the first covenant, there would be no place to look for the later covenant. Therefore, the Lord rebuked His people and said (or translated: So the Lord pointed to the shortcomings of the first covenant): “The days are coming when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not as I took their ancestors by the hand and led them I made a covenant with them when I came out of Egypt, because they did not keep my covenant, says the Lord.

Separation The New Testament is separated from the Old Testament-picture3

New Testament

( 1 ) Jesus made a new covenant with us with his own blood

What I preached to you was what I received from the Lord. On the night when the Lord Jesus was betrayed, he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is given for you.” ancient scrolls: broken) "You must do this in remembrance of me." After dinner, he also took the cup and said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. This is what you must do whenever you drink from it." , in memory of me. ”--1 Corinthians 11:23-25

( 2 ) The end of the law is Christ

“This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord: I will write my laws on their hearts, and I will put them within them.” Then he said, “I will remember them no more. Their sins and their transgressions.” Now that these sins have been forgiven, there is no need for any more sacrifices for sins. --Hebrews 10:16-18→ The Lord also said: “This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days: I will put my laws within them and write them on their hearts. on; I will be theirs God; they will be my people. They will not have to teach each one his neighbor and his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord’; for they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. Forgive their unrighteousness, and remember their sin no more.”

Since we speak of the "new covenant", we regard the "former covenant" as "old"; but what is getting old and declining will soon disappear. --Hebrews 8:10-13

( 3 ) Jesus is the Mediator of the New Covenant

For this reason, He became the mediator of the new covenant. Since His death atoned for the sins committed by people during the time of the first covenant, He enabled the called ones to receive the promised eternal inheritance. Anyone who makes a will must wait until the person who left the will (the original text is the same as covenant) dies; because the will is only effective after the person dies. If the person who left the will is still alive, is the will still useful? ? --Hebrews 9:15-17

My little children, I write these things to you so that you may not sin. If anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous . --1 John chapter 2 verse 1

alright! Today I would like to share my fellowship with you all. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen



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