Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 2)

11/24/24    2      the glorified gospel   
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Peace to all the brothers and sisters in God’s family! Amen

Let’s open the Bible to Hebrews Chapter 6, verse 1, and read together: Therefore, we should leave the beginning of the doctrine of Christ and strive to advance to perfection, without laying any more foundations, such as repentance from dead works and trust in God.

Today I will continue to study, fellowship, and share " Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ 》No. 2 Speak and pray: Dear Abba, Holy Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! The "virtuous woman" church sends out workers - through the word of truth that they write and speak in their hands, which is the gospel of our salvation and glory. Food is transported from the sky from afar, and is supplied to us in due time, so that our spiritual life will be richer, and it will be new day by day! Amen. Pray that the Lord Jesus will continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truths. Understand that we should leave the beginning of the teachings of Christ, such as → repenting of dead works and trusting in God .

The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 2)

Belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ frees us from sin

---The Gospel of Jesus Christ---

(1) The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ

ask: What is the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
answer: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God—Mark 1:1. Jesus is the Savior, the Messiah, and the Christ, because He wants to save His people from their sins. Amen! So Jesus Christ is the beginning of the gospel. Do you understand? Refer to Matthew 1:21

(2) Believing in the gospel frees us from sin

ask: What is the gospel?
answer: What I, Paul, also received, I pass on to you: first, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that he was buried; and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, see Corinthians 1 Book 15 verses 3-4. This is the gospel that the apostle "Paul" preached to the Gentiles "the Corinthian church" to save people. We Gentiles only need to " letter "With this gospel, you will be saved. Right?"

(3) Jesus Christ died for all

ask: Who died for our sins?
answer: It turns out that the love of Christ motivates us; because we think, " Christ "One person for When many die, all die; see 2 Corinthians 5:14. This is what Christ died for our sins according to the Bible, right? →1 Peter 2 Chapter 24 He himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness...! Jesus Christ died for all, and all died, all are us, that we who died to sin might live for righteousness. Amen! Right? It is the replacement of “us” the righteous “Jesus” who are unrighteous → God made Him who knew no sin (sinless: the original text is to know no sin) to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Refer to 2 Corinthians 5:21. Do you understand?

(4) The dead are freed from sin

ask: How do we escape sin?
answer: because The dead are freed from sin . Refer to Romans 6:7 → It says here that “those who are dead are freed from sin.” My body is still alive! Do I have to wait until I die to be free from sin? No, for example, there once was a father whose son committed a sin and was sentenced to death according to the law! The father of the son hurriedly went to find all the statutes and offensive words in the law that condemned his son, and blotted out and removed them. Then the father was judged by the law for his son, became sin, and died for his son. From then on the son was freed from sin and from the judgment of the law. Now the son is a righteous man! Not sinners, sinners are under the law. So, do you understand?

The same is true for Jesus Christ, the Son of Heavenly Father → Jesus, the only begotten and beloved Son of Heavenly Father, became flesh.” for "In that we became sin, we became righteous" for "For the unrighteous, that we might become the righteousness of God → One person, Christ" for "Everyone dies, everyone dies → Does everyone include you and me? It includes, including people in the Old Testament, people in the New Testament, people born, people unborn, all those who came from the flesh of Adam, and all transgressions All who have died → the dead are freed from sin. letter "Jesus Christ died, and he is my old self ( letter ) is dead, now I am no longer alive! ( letter ) we all died → He who has died has been freed from sin, and all have been freed from sin. He who believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is already condemned because he does not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God → The name of the only begotten Son of God is Jesus, " jesus name "It means to save your people from their sins. Refer to John Chapter 3 Verses 7-18 and Matthew Chapter 1 Verse 21. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins → has saved you from your sins. If you " Don't believe it "will be condemned by the law, so" crime "It's decided. So, do you understand?

(5) Christ redeems us from all sin

1 The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin--Refer to John 1:7
2 Jesus redeems us from all sin--Refer to Titus 2:14
3 God has forgiven you (us) all our trespasses - refer to Colossians 2:13

The following are the erroneous teachings of the universal church today

ask: Many elders and pastors now teach:
1 The blood of Jesus cleanses me from my “pre-belief” sins;
2 I haven't committed the sins "after I believed", nor have I committed the sins of today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow?
3 And my hidden sins, the sins in my heart
4 Whenever I sin, I am cleansed. The blood of Jesus has eternal efficacy → Do you believe this? How do their teachings deviate from the truth of the Bible inspired by God?
answer: God inspired us through the Bible and said, “Explain in detail below.”
1 The blood of His Son "Jesus" cleanses us from all sin - 1 John 1:7
2 Jesus redeems us from all sin--Refer to Titus 2:14
3 God has forgiven you (us) all our trespasses - refer to Colossians 2:13

Note: What does the truth of the Bible inspired by God say → 1 The blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us everything sin, 2 He redeems us from everything sin, 3 God forgives you (us) everything Transgressions → cleanse from all sins, free from all sins, forgive all transgressions → Jesus’ Blood " wash away all sins "Doesn't it include the sins before I believed in Jesus and the sins after I believed in Jesus? Does it include the hidden sins and the sins in my heart? Does it include all of them, right? For example, from Genesis... → to Malachi The book..."Christ Crucified", are the sins of the people in the Old Testament washed away? From the Gospel of Matthew...→ to the Book of Revelation, are the sins of the people in the New Testament washed away? Yes or no? Yes. When did you appear in Genesis? No! Did you appear when Jesus was crucified in the first century AD, right? The physical body only came to this world for a few hundred years... and then we reached the Book of Revelation, which is the end of the world, and you were not included in that period of history, right?

So Jesus said: "I am the first and the last; I am the beginning and the end; I am Rapha, the Omega God." God sees a thousand years as one day, He wash Having forgiven man's sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven - refer to Hebrews 1:3. I cleansed people of their sins without consulting you. , right? Have you ever cleansed yourself of the sins you committed during the hundred or so years of your physical appearance in history? It's all washed out, isn't it? So we are to be united to Christ → in the likeness of his death, and in the likeness of his resurrection → so, Jesus said! You have been with me from the beginning - see John 15:27.

From creation to the end of the world, Jesus is with us. He cleanses people from their sins → we are all holy, sanctified, and justified before we can enter his kingdom.

If you are "repenting, confessing, and repenting of dead works every day", I am afraid for you → because you will definitely ask Jesus " Blood "Clean away your sins every day and you will receive Jesus' Blood "as the blood of cattle and sheep to wash away sins and sanctify the covenant of Christ" Blood "As normal, you think that washing away sins in this way feels joyful and pious. By doing this, you are scorning the Holy Spirit of grace. Do you understand?

Therefore, you must come out of their error and return to the Bible. Do you understand? See Hebrews 10:29

Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 2)-picture2

(6) Being united to Christ in the likeness of death, we will also be united to Him in the likeness of His resurrection

ask: We "believed" that Christ died, but now we are still alive? So we will continue to commit crimes! Still not free from sin? What should I do if I commit a crime? Is that the problem?
answer: Do you not know that those of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? ... If we have been united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be united with him in the likeness of his resurrection; Romans 6:3-5. We are " baptized "Being put into the death of Christ is how we are reckoned with Christ" joint "Crucified → united to Him in the likeness of death, you use" confidence "By" baptized "United to Christ in the likeness of his death → so that you" letter "You yourselves are dead! The old man is dead, the sinner is dead! → Because you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. See Colossians 3:3.

Do you believe that the old man is dead and the sinner is dead? Now it is no longer me who lives, it is Christ who lives in me. Christ" for "We died, were resurrected from the dead and "reborn" us, and " for "We live → Living is not me, I live out Adam, live out sinners; Christ for I live, live out Christ, live out the glory of God the Father! Now that I am in Christ, whoever is born of God neither sins nor can sin. Amen! So, do you understand? As Paul said → I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and for I deny myself. Galatians 2:20.

(7) Look at sin and you are dead

ask: After we believe in Jesus and are reborn, what should we do about the transgressions of our old self?
answer: If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are no longer of the flesh but of the Spirit. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. Romans 8:9 → The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, lives in our hearts, that is, we are resurrected with Christ and are born again into a new person.” new me ", the new self born of God" spiritual person "Not of the old man of flesh. Born of God." Can't see "The new man, hidden with Christ in God, is in you; from Adam, born of father and mother." visible "The old man's body of sin died because of sin, and the body of sin was destroyed → Christ alone" for "If all die, all die → If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is alive because of righteousness. Romans 8:10, Christ in us is born again, but the body is dead because of sin , so Paul said it is "the body of death, the body of perishability" and does not belong to the new self born of God; the heart! spirit man Right now" new me "Live by the righteousness of God." invisible "Begotten of God, hidden in God" new me ", does not belong to" visible ", from Adam to parents" old me "A life of crime → So" New Testament 》God said that you will no longer remember the transgressions of the old man’s flesh. The old man is dead! God will not remember → Then He will say, “I will remember their sins and their transgressions no more.” Now that these sins have been forgiven, there is no need for any more sacrifices for sins. Refer to Hebrews 10:17-18 → God has made a new covenant with us not to remember the transgressions of the old man’s flesh, and we will not remember them. If you remember it, it proves that you have breached the contract and broken the promise . Do you understand?

ask: What about the transgressions of the old man’s flesh?
answer: Let’s look at Paul’s teachings in the Bible → You are the “new self born of God” → “to sin” look ”→The self, that is, the “old self born from Adam” is dead, we” letter "Christ died for all, and all died, (since it is " Believe in death ", in the subsequent experience process it is " See death ") So the life that sins against the old man" look "It's dead," look "The old man is dead to the trespasses of the flesh; but to God is in Christ, that is, born of God. new me →But when " look "I am alive. Amen! (previously" letter "Living with Christ, later" Newcomer "Be in Christ in the midst of experience" look "He himself is alive) → Because he knows that since Christ was raised from the dead, he will no longer die, and death will no longer have dominion over him. When he died, he died to sin only once; when he lived, he lived to God. In this way , consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:9-11 Do you understand this?

Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ (Lecture 2)-picture3

(8) Leave regretful dead works and trust God

ask: What is remorse for dead works?
answer: "Repent" means to repent,
Jesus said, "The days are fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand! Repent and believe the gospel." Mark 1:15, " repent and believe in the gospel "and" Repent of dead works and trust in God "It means the same thing. I said before that you should repent, and then " Believe the gospel ”→ Does believing in the gospel mean repentance? Yes ! You believe the gospel It is God who gives your life Change A new → This is " repentance "The true meaning → So this gospel is the power of God → Believe in the gospel and your life will be transformed, put on the new man and put on Christ! Do you understand?

ask: What is the act of “repenting” of dead deeds and “repenting”?
answer: It's the behavior of a dead man ," sinner "Is it a dead person? Yes → because the wages of sin is death, in the eyes of God, Sinners are dead →Matthew 8:22 Jesus said, “Let the dead bury their dead; follow me!”
So" regret "," repentance "Is it the behavior of a sinner, the behavior of a dead person? Yes; why do you have to "repent and repent"? Because your sin comes from Adam, and you are a sinner → under the law and under judgment. They are sinners who are under the curse of the law, waiting to die there, without hope → so they must " regret , repentance "Looking to God-" Trust in God and believe in the gospel "The salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you understand it?"

you" letter "Depend on God," letter "The gospel is repent, repent →The gospel is the power of God, Believe the gospel God gives you life" Change "A new one.

1 The original sinner" Change "Become righteous
2 It turned out to be unclean” Change "Sanctify
3 It turns out that the law is below " Change "below grace"
4 It turns out that in the curse " Change "Chengcifuli
5 It turns out that in the Old Testament " Change ” into the New Testament
6 It turns out that the old man " Change "Become a new person
7 It turns out that Adam " Change "Into Christ
so" Repent, repent of dead works "The deeds of the dead, the deeds of sinners, the unclean deeds, the deeds under the law, the deeds under the curse, the deeds of the old man in the Old Testament, the deeds of Adam → you should leave the beginning of the doctrine of Christ → as in" Regret the dead act "→Run towards the goal. Therefore, we should leave the beginning of the doctrine of Christ and strive to advance to perfection without laying a foundation, just like those who repent of dead works and trust in God. See Hebrews 6:1 , so, do you understand?

OK! Today we have examined, fellowshiped, and shared here. We will share it in the next issue: The Beginning of the Doctrine of Leaving Christ, Lecture 3

Gospel transcript sharing, inspired by the Spirit of God. Workers of Jesus Christ, Brother Wang*Yun, Sister Liu, Sister Zheng, Brother Cen, and other co-workers support and work together in the gospel work of the Church of Jesus Christ. They preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel that allows people to be saved, glorified, and have their bodies redeemed! Amen, their names are written in the book of life. Amen! →As Philippians 4:2-3 says, Paul, Timothy, Euodia, Syntyche, Clement, and others who worked with Paul, their names are in the book of life superior. Amen!

Hymn: I Believe in the Lord Jesus Song!

More brothers and sisters are welcome to use their browser to search - The Church in the Lord Jesus Christ - to join us and work together to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit always be with you all! Amen



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  Leaving the Beginning of the Doctrine of Christ


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