Believe in the Gospel 4

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"Believe in the Gospel" 4

Peace to all brothers and sisters!

Today we will continue to examine the fellowship and share "Belief in the Gospel"

Let’s open the Bible to Mark 1:15, turn it over and read together:

Said: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel!"

Believe in the Gospel 4

Lecture 4: Believing in the gospel frees us from sin

Question: What is repentance?
Answer: "Repentance" means a contrite, sad and contrite heart, knowing that one is in sin, in evil passions and lusts, in weak Adam, and in death;

"Change" means correction. Psalm 51:17 The sacrifice God requires is a broken spirit; you, O God, will not despise a broken and contrite heart.

Question: How to correct it?

Answer: Believe in the gospel! "Repentance" does not mean asking you to reform, improve, or change yourself. You can never change your "sins" on your own. The real meaning of "repentance" is for you to believe the gospel. The gospel is the power of God to save everyone who believes. Believing in the gospel → frees us from sin, from the law and the curse of the law, and from the old man and the old self. Acts, escape from Satan, escape from the influence of Satan in the darkness of Hades; resurrect with Christ, be reborn, be saved, put on the new man and put on Christ, receive the sonship of God, and obtain eternal life! Amen.

→→This is true "repentance"! Be renewed in your mind and put on the new self in true righteousness and holiness - refer to Ephesians 4:23-24

It was the old man, now it is the new man;
Once in sin, now in holiness;
Originally in Adam, now in Christ.
Belief in the gospel → repentance!
Be transformed → Previously you were a son of Adam who was made of dust;

Now the son of Jesus, the last Adam. So, do you understand?

Question: How to believe the gospel?

Answer: Believe in the gospel! Just believe in Jesus!

We believe that Jesus Christ, sent by God, has done the work of redemption for us (to save his people from their sins). This "work of redemption" is the gospel! Amen. So, do you understand?

Question: How do we believe in the work of redemption? How do we work?

Answer: Jesus answered, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.” John 6:29

Question: How to understand this verse?
Answer: Believe in Jesus sent by God to do the work of redemption for us!
I believed: God’s work of salvation is at work in me, and the “wage” of Jesus’ work is imputed to those who “believe”, and God counts me as having worked → I am the same as God. Work, God’s work. Amen! Do you understand this?

So Paul says in Romans 1:17! The righteousness of God is “by faith→saved by faith!”; and due to faith→belief, the Holy Spirit operates “walking with God” to do the work of renewal, so that you can receive glory, rewards, and crowns. This is what God says to those who believe. Do you understand the mystery of the work in the body?

Question: How (faith) do we count as co-workers and walk with God?

Answer: Believe in Jesus Christ sent by God to do the work of redemption. Christ died for our sins and freed us from our sins.

(1)The Lord laid the sins of all people on Jesus

We all like sheep have gone astray; each one has turned to his own way; the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

(2) Christ died “for” all

For the love of Christ compels us; for we consider that since one died for all, one died for all; 2 Corinthians 5:14

(3) The dead are freed from sin

For we know that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we should no longer serve sin; for he who has died has been freed from sin. Romans 6:6-7

[Note:] Jehovah God laid the sins of all people on Jesus, and Jesus was crucified for them all, so that all died - 2 Corinthians 5:14 → Those who have died are freed from sin - Romans 6:7; “all” died, and all were freed from sin. Amen! You have seen and heard it. This is the gospel sent by God’s servants to tell you that you have been freed from sin. If you believe “this gospel”, the “wage” of Jesus’ work will be attributed to you. This gospel is God’s salvation. Power operates on those who "believe". This is the mystery of God's salvation. Do you understand?

Therefore, this gospel is the power of God to save everyone who believes that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we have been freed from sin. You understand the pattern of this "doctrine". If you don't believe that this gospel has freed you from sin, you will be condemned. Your sin has been determined and you will be judged at the end of the day. Do you understand it?

Let us pray to God together: Dear Abba, Heavenly Father! You have laid the sin of all people on Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, so that we all have been freed from our sins. Amen! Blessed are those who see, hear, and believe this gospel. The "wages" of Jesus' redemption work are returned to the body of those who believe. This is co-working with God and doing God's work.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

Gospel dedicated to my dear mother

Brothers and sisters! Remember to collect

Gospel transcript from:

the church in lord jesus christ

---2021 01 12---


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  Believe the gospel


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