Covenant Old Testament and New Testament

11/17/24    3      gospel of salvation   
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Peace to all my dear brothers and sisters! Amen

Let’s open the Bible [Hebrews 8:6-7, 13] and read together: The ministry now given to Jesus is a better one, just as he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established on the basis of better promises. If there were no flaws in the first covenant, there would be no place to look for the later covenant. …Now that we have spoken of a new covenant, the former covenant becomes old; but what is old and decaying will soon cease to exist.

Today we study, fellowship, and share " Make a covenant 》No. 6 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen, thank you Lord! " virtuous woman "The church sends workers through the word of truth written and spoken by their hands, which is the gospel of our salvation! They will supply us with heavenly spiritual food in due time, so that our lives will be more abundant. Amen! May the Lord Jesus continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can see and hear spiritual truths. Understand the mystery from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and understand Your will . Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

Covenant Old Testament and New Testament

【1】From the "Old Testament" to the "New Testament"

Old Testament

Let’s study the Bible [Hebrews 7:11-12] and read together: In the past, the people received the law under the Levitical priesthood. If they could be perfected through this office, there was no need to raise up another one. Priests, after the order of Melchizedek, or not after the order of Aaron? Since the priesthood had been changed, the law must also be changed. Verse 16 He became a priest, not according to the ordinances of the flesh, but according to the power of infinite (literally, indestructible) life. Verse 18 The former ordinance was done away with because it was weak and unprofitable. Verse 19 (the law accomplished nothing) introduces a better hope by which we can approach God.

(Note: The Old Testament is the first covenant, 1 The covenant in the Garden of Eden that Adam must not eat from the "Tree of Good and Evil"; 2 Noah's "rainbow" covenant of peace typifies the new covenant; 3 Abraham's faith in the "covenant of promise" is a covenant of grace; 4 Mosaic Law Covenant. In the past, the people could not "receive the law" perfectly under the office of "Levitical priests", so God raised up another priest [Jesus] according to the order of Melchizedek! Melchizedek is also known as the King of Salem, which means the King of Benevolence, Righteousness and Peace. He has no father, no mother, no genealogy, no beginning of life, no end of life, but is similar to the Son of God.

So since the priesthood has been changed, the law must also be changed. Jesus became a priest, not according to the ordinances of the flesh, but according to the power of infinite life. The previous ordinances were abolished because they were weak and useless. The law had accomplished nothing and introduced a better hope! It turns out that the Levitical priests were blocked by death and could not last long. The law originally appointed weak people as priests. But after the law, God swore to appoint his son Jesus as the high priest. He offered himself once and for all to fulfill the sacrifice for "sin". . From now on, we will no longer offer sacrifices for "sins". Do you understand? From now on you are born of the faith of the gospel of Christ, a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. Amen

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【2】---Enter the New Testament---

Let’s search the Bible [Hebrews 8:6-9] and read together: Now Jesus has a better ministry, just as he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established by better promises of. If there were no flaws in the first covenant, there would be no place to look for the later covenant. Therefore, the Lord rebuked His people and said (or translated: So the Lord pointed to the shortcomings of the first covenant): “The days are coming when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not as I took their ancestors by the hand and led them I made a covenant with them when I came out of Egypt. Because they did not keep my covenant, I will not pay attention to them, says the Lord. “This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord: I will write my laws on their hearts, and I will put them within them.” Then he said, “I will remember them no more. their sins and their transgressions.” Now that these sins have been forgiven, there is no need for any more sacrifices for sins.

(Note: Thank you for the Lord's grace! "The Talented Woman" has sent Brother Cen, a worker, to lead you to understand the mystery of the gospel, obey God's will, and move from the "covenant of law" in the old covenant to the "covenant of grace" in the new covenant! Amen )

1 The Old Testament is Adam first; New Testament The last Adam is Jesus Christ
2 Man in the Old Testament was created from dust; New Testament Those who are born of God
3 Old Testament people were carnal; New Testament people of the Holy Spirit
4 The people of the Old Covenant were under the covenant of law; New Testament man is a covenant of grace
5 People in the Old Testament were under the law; New Testament of those who are freed from the law through the body of Christ
6 Old Testament people broke the law; New Testament of those who fulfilled the law through the love of Christ
7 Old Testament people were sinners; New Testament The person is righteous
8 The man of the Old Testament was in Adam; New Testament people in Christ
9 People in the Old Testament are the children of Adam; New Testament people are children of God
10 People in the Old Testament lay in the power of the evil one; New Testament of people escaped from Satan’s snare
11 The people of the Old Testament were under the power of darkness in Hades; New Testament Those who are in the book of life of God’s beloved Son, the kingdom of light
12 People in the Old Testament were of the tree of good and evil; New Testament People belong to the tree of life!

The Old Testament is a covenant of law; the New Testament is a covenant of grace. We receive grace through the great love of Jesus Christ. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, it is all God’s grace! Amen, the New Covenant makes the Son of God the high priest. Since the priests have been changed, the law must also be changed, because the summary of the law is Christ, Christ is God, and God is love! The law of Christ is love. So, do you understand clearly? See Galatians chapter 6 verses 1-2. So the Lord Jesus said: "I give you a new commandment, Peter, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also must love one another! This is the original commandment! Amen. See John 13:34 and John 1:2 Chapter 11

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【3】The first covenant is getting old and declining, and will soon fade into nothingness

Now that we speak of a new covenant, the former covenant becomes old; but what is old and decaying will soon cease to exist. Therefore, the Old Testament is a "shadow", and since the law is a "shadow" of good things and not the true image of the original thing, Christ is the true image! Just like the "shadow" under a tree, the "shadow" under the tree gradually disappears with the movement of light and time. Therefore, the first covenant-the covenant of the law will soon disappear. See Hebrews 10:1 and Col. 2:16. So, do you understand clearly? Now many churches are teaching you falsely to go back and keep the Old Covenant - the covenant of the Law of Moses. The Israelites kept the law professionally and did not keep it. Just like the apostle "Paul", it was useless to keep the law criticize "What he considered gain before will be considered loss after knowing Christ." Because if you keep the law of Moses, you will not be able to do it because of the weakness of the flesh. If you cannot keep the law, you will be condemned by the law. , so Paul said it was loss" , the Pharisees and scribes who are professionals can’t keep the law, and you amateur Gentiles can’t even keep it. Do you think that’s right?

So you start from " old testament "Enter" New Testament ", understand God's will, live in Christ, in the holy kingdom of his beloved Son! Amen

alright! I am sharing this with you today. May God bless all brothers and sisters! Amen

Stay tuned next time:



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  Make a covenant


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