Peace to my dear brothers and sisters in God’s family! Amen
Let’s open the Bible to John chapter 6 verse 53 and read together: Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, at the last day I will resurrect him
Today we will study, fellowship, and share together "The Salvation of Souls" No. 5 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! The virtuous woman [the church] sends out workers: through their hands they write and speak the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation, our glory, and the redemption of our bodies. Food is transported from the sky from afar and supplied to us at the right time to make our spiritual life richer! Amen. Ask the Lord Jesus to continue to illuminate the eyes of our souls and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truths: Let us believe the gospel - gain Jesus Blood. Life.Soul! Amen .
The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
---The soul body of a child born from God---
1: The work of creation is completed
ask: When will the work of creation be completed?
answer: God created the heaven and earth in six days and rested on the seventh day!
→→Everything is ready. By the seventh day, God's work in creating creation was completed, so he rested from all his work on the seventh day. Reference (Genesis 2:1-2)
2: The work of redemption is completed
Hebrews Chapter 4:3 But we who have believed can enter that rest, just as God said: "I have sworn in my anger, 'They shall not enter my rest!'" In fact, the work of creation begins with creation. It has been completed since this world.
ask: How to enter Christ’s rest?
answer: ( letter ) Christ’s work of redemption is completed
When Jesus tasted the vinegar, he said, “ Done ! "He lowered his head, Give your soul to God . Reference (John 19:30)
Note: Jesus said: " Done "! Then he lowered his head, Give your soul to God . Amen! God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, to do this for us →→【 salvation of souls 】It has been completed and entered into rest! →→Just as God finished his work of creation in six days, God rested from all his work and rested on the seventh day. So, do you understand?
ask: how( letter ) into the rest of Christ?
answer: ( letter ) died, was buried, and resurrected with Christ → rebirth, born of God, get His soul body! you get The soul body of Christ is the child born of God →Now you are already in ( Christ ), not in ( Adam )ri →→ This is entering into the rest of Christ . So, do you understand?
Three: Obtain the precious blood of Jesus
-------( life, soul )-------
ask: How to obtain the precious blood of Jesus?
answer: Detailed explanation below
(1)The LORD has wiped out the iniquity of all people ( return ) in Jesus
We all like sheep have gone astray; each one has turned to his own way; the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. Reference (Isaiah 53:6)
ask: What sin does the LORD bring? return ) in Jesus?
answer: (The Sin of All) Detailed explanation below
1 The sin (put) on Jesus ,
2 Sin (put) on Jesus ,
3 The sin (put) on Jesus . Amen
Note: Jehovah God makes all people’s “sin”, “sin” and “sin” →→( return ) in Jesus→→Through the death of Jesus, the sins of all people→→
1 "stop" sin,
2 “Purge away” sin,
3 “Atoning for” sins, Not even a speck of sin remains in everyone → call for redemption ;
4 Introduction (Yongyi) You will be justified forever and you will have eternal life! Amen.
If you leave some " Bastard "In you, you will sin; now Introducing the Word of God ( Justification. Seed of holiness ) exists in your heart, you can never sin. So, do you understand? See 1 John 3:9.
“Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and Anoint the Holy One (or: Translation) Reference (Daniel 9:24).
(2)Christ was crucified and died for our sins
ask: Christ died for our sins →For what purpose?
answer: " Purpose "extinction( Adam )’s body of sin is the annihilation of ( us )'s body of sin → frees us from sin, from the law and the curse of the law, and from Adam's old man.
→→It turns out that the love of Jesus inspires us. Because we think that a person " for "When all die, all die (see 2 Corinthians 5:14). Those who have died are freed from sin (see Romans 6:7) → Since ( letter )Everyone is dead, so it should be ( letter ) and everyone was freed from sin, from the law and the curse of the law, and put off the old man. Amen
(3)Christ’s ( Blood ) outflow
But when they came to Jesus and found him dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and immediately someone Blood and water flow out . Reference (John 19:33-34)
(4)We( Blood ) and Christ’s ( Blood ) flow out together
ask: us Blood how with him Blood Out together?
answer: Detailed explanation below
1 The LORD brought upon him the sin of all the people →It is the soul and body of everyone ( return ) in Jesus Christ,
2 Jesus was crucified →It is us who were crucified,
3 Jesus'( Blood ) outflow →It’s our ( Blood ) flows out,
4 ( Blood )that is life, soul ! Jesus gave up ( life ) →It’s us Give up Life from Adam →" lose "life, " lose "Adam's unclean and filthy (soul),
5. “Losing” one’s life and soul →" Put on " Gain the life and soul of Jesus →→That’s it Saved my life and soul ! Amen. So, do you understand?
As the Lord Jesus said: “For whoever wants to save his life (or translated as: soul; the same below) will lose it; but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. Reference (Mark 8) Chapter 35)
(5)And buried
Note: Jesus died by hanging on the tree → that is, our body of sin died, and the body of sin was destroyed; Jesus’ body was buried → that is, our body of sin was buried, and we” dust "The body that comes finally returns to dust and returns to the grave. Refer to Genesis 3:19; Adam's ( Blood ) was not buried, but lost, abandoned, and flowed under the cross. So, do you understand?
(6) Resurrected on the third day
Christ's resurrection → Justify us , Resurrection, rebirth, salvation, adoption as sons, the promised Holy Spirit, and eternal life with Him ! Amen.
Jesus was delivered for our transgressions and resurrected for our justification (or translated: Jesus was delivered for our transgressions and resurrected for our justification). Reference (Romans 4:25)
Note: We are resurrected with Christ → reborn Newcomer " Put on " The Spirit of Christ· Blood ·Life·Soul and Body ! Amen. So, do you understand?
Children born of God:
1 The former are the descendants of men; now are the descendants of women
2 Formerly the children of Adam; now is Christ's children
3 Once upon a time it was the spirit of Adam; now is Christ's spirit
4 Once upon a time it was the blood of Adam; now is Christ's Blood
5 Before was the life of Adam; now is Christ's life
6 Adam's soul ;now is Christ's soul
7 The former was the body of Adam; now is Christ's Body
Note: many churches doctrine The mistake is ( mix ) cannot be separated, they will →→
1 The Flesh Spirit of Adam and the Spirit of Christ mix for a spirit
2 The spirit of our old man and the Holy Spirit mix for a spirit
3 The blood of our old man and the blood of Christ mix One blood
if only (mix) Preaching can go wrong, and many churches “ That's what's wrong "Combining the spirit of our old man with the Holy Spirit ( mix ) is a spirit.
because The spirit in the Father is the Holy Spirit, the spirit in Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and the spirit in the regenerated children is also the Holy Spirit → They all come from one spirit (the Holy Spirit) !
Just as iron and mud cannot mix together, oil and water cannot mix together. So, do you understand?
(7) Eat the Lord’s Supper and bear witness to receiving the blood of Jesus
ask: How does Jesus establish a new covenant with us?
answer: Jesus used his ( Blood ) makes a new covenant with us
Luke 22:20 In the same way after the meal, he took the cup and said, “This cup is use me Blood new covenant , for you flowed out .
ask: How do we receive the blood of Jesus
Answer: Believe in the gospel ! Rebirth, resurrection, and adoption as sons of God →→ Eat the Lord’s Supper ( Eat the Lord's body , Drink from the Lord Blood ) is to witness and receive The body of the Lord, the blood of the Lord, the life of the Lord, the soul of the Lord ! Amen. So, do you understand?
( like ) Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, I will raise him up at the last day. My flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. Reference John 6. Verses 53-56)
Gospel transcript sharing, inspired by the Spirit of God. Workers of Jesus Christ, Brother Wang*Yun, Sister Liu, Sister Zheng, Brother Cen, and other co-workers support and work together in the gospel work of the Church of Jesus Christ. They preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel that allows people to be saved, glorified, and have their bodies redeemed! Amen
Hymn: Seal of the Everlasting Covenant
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OK! Today we have examined, communicated, and shared. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit always be with you all. Amen
Continue to share in the next issue: Soul Salvation
--How to obtain the body of Christ--
Time: 2021-09-09