【Scripture】Hebrews 6:6 If they fall away from the doctrine, it will not be possible to bring them back to repentance. Because they crucified the Son of God anew, openly putting him to shame.
1. If you abandon the truth
ask: What principles should we abandon?
answer: Detailed explanation below
(1) Freed from the doctrine of sin
Christ died for our sins (on the cross)--Refer to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
If one man dies for all, then all die - see 2 Corinthians 5:14
Those who have died are freed from sin--refer to Romans 6:7
Note: Freed from the doctrine of sin→Christ alone” for "When all die, all die, and the dead are freed from sin. → When all die, all are freed from sin. Whoever believes in him is not condemned. Those who do not believe in “freedom from sin” , the crime has been decided. So, do you understand? Refer to John 3:18
(2) Christ’s one sacrifice makes those who are sanctified eternally perfect
By this will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all, and those who are sanctified are made eternally perfect, eternally justified, eternally sinless, and eternally holy. Reference (Hebrews 10:10-14)
(3)The blood of Jesus washes away all our sins
If we walk in the light, as God is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Reference (1 John 1:7)
(4) Breaking away from the doctrine of the law
But since we died to the law that bound us, we are now free from the law, so that we may serve the Lord according to the newness of spirit (spirit: or translated as the Holy Spirit) and not according to the old way of ritual. Reference (Romans 7:6)
(5) Put off the principles of the old man and his behavior
Do not lie to one another; for you have put off the old man and its deeds. Reference (Colossians 3:9)
(6) Escaped from the power of Satan’s dark underworld
He has rescued us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his beloved Son; Reference (Colossians 1:13)
(7) The doctrine that enables us to be justified, resurrected, reborn, saved, and have eternal life
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has regenerated us into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Reference (1 Peter 1:3)
2. We cannot make them regret again.
ask: What do you mean by not being able to make them repent again?
answer: Detailed explanation below
(Hebrews 6:4) Concerning those who have been enlightened, have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,
ask: What light has been received?
answer: Enlightened by God and the enlightenment of the gospel→ Since you heard the word of truth→ Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day→ 1 Freed from the doctrine of sin, 2 He offered a sacrifice once for all, sanctifying the doctrine of eternal perfection, 3 His blood cleanses man from all sin, 4 Free from the doctrine of the law, 5 Putting off the old man and the principles of his behavior, 6 Freed from the principles of darkness and the power of Hades, 7 That you may be justified, resurrected, reborn, saved, receive the promised Holy Spirit, and have eternal life! →That is the gospel by which you may be saved, and may taste of the heavenly gift, and may become partakers of the Holy Spirit.
(Hebrews 6:5) Those who have tasted the good word of God and are aware of the power of the age to come,
ask: What is the good way?
answer: " good way ” → You who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation → which is the good way. And you who have tasted the good word of God and realized the power of the age to come → the Holy Spirit who justifies, resurrects, regenerates, saves, and receives the promises , people who have eternal life. Do you understand?
(Hebrews 6:6) If they abandon the doctrine, they cannot be brought back to repentance. Because they crucified the Son of God anew, openly putting him to shame.
ask: If we abandon the truth → what principle are we abandoning?
answer: It is to abandon what has been said above " seven o'clock "Principle→【 salvation truth 】Christ died on the cross for our sins, freeing us from sin → If you " Don't believe it "Being free from the doctrine of sin, the doctrine of the law, is to abandon this doctrine. For example, many churches today teach that Jesus has washed away the sins before I believed in the Lord; the sins of tomorrow, the sins of the day after tomorrow, and the sins of the mind have not been washed away. Net? →This is " abandoned "Christ's one sacrifice makes those who are sanctified eternally perfect, and His blood cleanses them from all sin→ This truth . There are also those who regret their dead works every day, confess their sins and repent every day, and pray for the blood of the Lord every day to blot out their sins and wash away their sins → regard the blood of the covenant that sanctified Him as normal → these people are stubborn, rebellious, and unrepentant, and become a snare of Satan. → abandoned The doctrine of Christ’s salvation is truth; Just as a dog turns around and eats what it vomits; a pig is washed and goes back to rolling in the mud. Their belief is a departure from the truth of salvation → We can't make them regret it again. , because they crucified the Son of God anew, openly putting him to shame. So, do you understand?
Hymn: I Believe in the Lord Jesus Song
OK! That’s it for our research, fellowship, and sharing today. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit always be with you. Amen