Parable of the Fig Tree

01/01/25    0      gospel of salvation   
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Peace to all brothers and sisters!
Today we are looking for fellowship sharing: The Parable of the Fig Tree

Then he used a parable: "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. He came to the tree looking for fruit, but could not find any. So he said to the gardener, 'Look, I have been coming to this fig tree for the past three years. I'm looking for fruit, but I can't find it. Cut it down, because it's occupying the ground in vain!" The gardener said, "Lord, keep it this year until I dig up the soil around it and add dung. If it bears fruit later, That's it, or I'll cut it down again.'"

Luke 13:6-9

Parable of the Fig Tree

Metaphorical Notes:

So he used a parable to say: "A man had a fig tree ("fig tree" typifies the Israelites) planted in a vineyard (Heavenly Father is the cultivator - refer to John 15:1). He (referring to Heavenly Father) came He looked for fruit before the tree, but could not find it.

Then he said to the gardener (Jesus), "Look, in the past three years, Jesus, sent by God, was born, preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the people of Israel, and made people believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Christ. He is the Messiah and the Savior! Died for sinners. Resurrected and ascended to heaven → "Those who believe in Jesus" → are reborn, saved, have eternal life, and bear spiritual first fruits) came to this fig tree to look for fruit, but could not find it (because Jesus was resurrected from the dead) As the firstfruits, and the Israelites do not believe in Jesus, they are not born again → they cannot bear spiritual fruit). Cut it down, why occupy the land in vain!

'The steward of the garden (that is, the Son of Man Jesus) said, 'Lord, keep it this year until I dig up the soil around me (typifying the kingdom of Israel → "outside") (referring to the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles) and add dung (Symbolizes the increase in the number of the salvation of the Gentiles and the abundant growth of the life of the body of Christ) → From the root of Jesse (the original text is the mound) will spring a branch; the branch from his root will bear fruit.

Isaiah 11:1

(The Israelites "saw" the Gentiles believe in Jesus: rebirth, salvation, the return of Jesus Christ at the end of the day, the redemption of the Gentiles' bodies, and the firstfruits; finally the Israelites entered the "Millennium", the Millennium Later, all the real Israelites believed that Jesus was the Christ and the Savior! So the whole family of Israel was saved - refer to Romans 11:25-26 and Revelation Chapter 20)

If it bears fruit in the future, so be it, otherwise, cut it down again. ’”

So, do you understand clearly?



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