Peace, dear friends, brothers and sisters! Amen.
Let’s open our Bible to Romans chapter 8 verses 16-17 and read them together: The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God; and if we are children, we are heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. If we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him.
Today we will study, fellowship, and share together "The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God" Pray: Dear Abba, Holy Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! " virtuous woman "Send forth workers through the word of truth, which is written and spoken in their hands, the gospel of your salvation. Bread is brought from afar from heaven, and is provided to us in season, so that our spiritual life may be abundant! Amen . Ask the Lord Jesus to continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truth→ The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God; Amen!
The above prayers, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen
The Holy Spirit bears witness with our hearts that we are children of God
( 1 ) Hear the word of truth
Let’s study the Bible and read Ephesians 1:13-14 together: After you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and you believed in Christ, you also received the promise of the Holy Spirit. imprint. This Holy Spirit is the pledge (original text: inheritance) of our inheritance until God’s people (original text: inheritance) are redeemed to the praise of His glory.
Note]: I have recorded by examining the above scriptures → Since you have heard the word of truth → In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This Word was with God in the beginning. ..."The Word became flesh" means that "God" became flesh → was born from the virgin Mary → and was named [Jesus] and lived among us, full of grace and truth. And we have beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father. … No one has ever seen God, only the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has revealed Him. Reference--John 1 Chapter 1-2, 14, 18. → Concerning the original word of life from the beginning, which we have heard, seen, seen with our own eyes, and touched with our hands → "the Lord Jesus Christ" refer to 1 John 1: Chapter 1. →
【 Jesus is the true image of God’s being 】
God, who in ancient times spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in many ways, has now spoken to us in these last days through his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he created all the worlds. He is the radiance of God's glory → "the exact image of God's being", and he upholds all things by the command of his power. After he had cleansed men from their sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Since the name he bears is more noble than the names of angels, he far surpasses them. Reference--Hebrews 1:1-4.
【 Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life 】
Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. Go. Reference--John 14 verses 5-6
( 2 ) the gospel of your salvation
1 Corinthians verses 153-4 The "gospel" which I also preached to you: first, that Christ died for our sins and was buried according to the Scriptures; and that, according to the Scriptures, second Resurrected in three days! Note: Jesus Christ died for our sins → 1 set free from sin, 2 set free from the law and the curse of the law, and was buried → 3 put off the old man and its deeds → rose again on the third day → 4 called We are justified and receive adoption as sons of God! Amen. So, do you understand clearly?
( 3 ) Receive the promised Holy Spirit as a seal
When you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Christ, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. This Holy Spirit is the pledge (original text: inheritance) of our inheritance until God’s people (original text: inheritance) are redeemed to the praise of His glory. Reference--Ephesians 1:13-14.
( 4 ) The Holy Spirit bears witness with our hearts that we are children of God
For you have not received the spirit of bondage to remain in fear; you have received the spirit of adoption, in which we cry, “Abba, Father!” → The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God; Children are heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. If we suffer with Him, we will also be glorified with Him. --Romans 8:15-17
OK! Today I would like to share my fellowship with you all. May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be always with you all! Amen