Dear friends, peace to all brothers and sisters! Amen,
Let’s open the Bible [Romans 6:6-11] and read together: For we know that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we should no longer serve sin; for he who has died has been freed from sin.
Today we study, fellowship, and share together "The Cross of Christ" No. 2 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen, thank you Lord! You sent workers, and through their hands they wrote and spoke the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation! Provide us with heavenly spiritual food in time, so that our lives will be richer. Amen! May the Lord Jesus continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can see and hear spiritual truths. Understand the great love of our Savior Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, freeing us from our sins . Amen.
The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
The cross of Christ frees us from sin
( 1 ) gospel of jesus christ
Let’s study the Bible [Mark 1:1] and open it together and read: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. ” John Chapter 3 Verses 16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Because God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world (or translated as: to judge the world; the same below), but so that the world might be saved through Him.
Note: The Son of God, Jesus Christ, is the beginning of the gospel → Jesus Christ is the beginning of the gospel! [Jesus]’s name means to save his people from their sins. He is the Savior, the Messiah, and the Christ! So, do you understand clearly? For example, the name "UK" refers to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, referred to as "UK"; the name "USA" refers to the United States of America; the name "Russia" refers to Russia federal. The name "Jesus" means to save his people from their sins → this is what the name "Jesus" means. Do you understand?
Thank you Lord! God sent his only begotten Son [Jesus], who was conceived by the Holy Spirit by the virgin Mary, became flesh, and was born under the law to redeem those who were under the law, that is, to save his people from their sins. Come out so that we may receive the adoption as sons of God! Amen, so the name [Jesus] is the Savior, the Messiah, and the Christ, to save His people from their sins. So, do you understand?
( 2 ) The cross of Christ frees us from sin
Let's study Romans 6:7 in the Bible and read it together: For those who have died have been set free from sin → "Christ" died for "one" for all, and so all died → And through the death of all, all are "freed" guilty". Amen! Refer to 2 Corinthians 5:14 → Jesus was crucified and died for our sins, freeing us from our sins → "Do you believe it or not" → Those who believe in Him are not condemned, while those who do not believe are already condemned. Because you don't believe in God's only begotten Son" jesus name "→ Save you from your sins , "You don't believe it"→you" crime "Take responsibility for yourself, and you will be judged by the doomsday judgment." Don't believe it "Christ" already "Deliver you from your sin → condemn you" sin of unbelief "→ But the timid and the unbelieving... Do you understand this clearly? Refer to Revelation Chapter 21 Verse 8 and John Chapter 3 Verses 17-18
→Because of" Adam "The disobedience of one makes many sinners; and so also by the disobedience of one" Christ "The obedience of one makes all righteous. Just as sin reigned in death, so grace reigns through righteousness to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Do you understand this clearly? Reference Romans 5:19, 21
Turn again to [1 Peter Chapter 2-24] He bore our sins Himself on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live to righteousness. By his stripes you were healed. Note: Christ bore our sins and caused us to die to sins → and be "freed from sins" → Those who have died have been freed from sins, and those who have been freed from sins → can live in righteousness! If we are not free from sin, we cannot live in righteousness. So, do you understand clearly?
alright! Today I will communicate and share with you all here. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit always be with you all! Amen