
01/02/25    0      gospel of salvation   
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---How to distinguish between love and adultery---

Today we will examine fellowship sharing: love and adultery

Let’s open the Bible to Genesis Chapter 2, verses 23-25, and read together:
The man said: This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You can call her woman because she was taken from man.

Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. The couple were naked at the time and were not ashamed.


1. Love

Question: What is love?

Answer: Detailed explanation below

(1)The love between Adam and Eve

--The couple were naked and not ashamed--

1 Adam said to Eve, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, let me call you woman"!
"Women" are the most beautiful gifts given by God to men, they are truth, kindness and beauty! It is a compliment, a companion, a comfort, and a helper!
2 A man will leave his parents;
3 Join your wife,
4 The two become one.

5 The man and his wife were naked, and they were not ashamed.

[Note] Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, their hearts were pure, holy, true love, truth, goodness and beauty! Therefore, the husband and wife are naked and have no shame. This is love that has not yet entered human beings.)

(2)The love between Isaac and Rebekah

So Isaac brought Rebekah into the tent of Sarah his mother, and took her to be his wife, and loved her. Isaac found comfort now that his mother was gone. Genesis 24:67

[Note] Isaac typifies Christ, and Rebekah typifies the church! Isaac married Rebekah and loved her! That is, Christ marries the church and loves the church.

(3)The love of Song of Songs

【Beloved Man and Couple】

"Beloved" typifies Christ,
"Best Couple":
1 typifies the chaste virgin-2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 14:4;
2 typifies the church-Ephesians 5:32;

3 typifies the bride of Christ - Revelation 19:7.

I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley.
My beloved is among women, as a lily among thorns.
My beloved is among men as an apple tree is among the trees.
I sat under his shadow with joy and tasted his fruit,

It feels sweet. He brings me into the banquet hall and sets love as his banner over me. Song of Songs 2:1-4

Please place me on your heart like a seal and carry me on your arm like a stamp.

For love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as hell; its lightning is the lightning of fire, the blazing flame of the Lord. Love cannot be extinguished by many waters, nor can it be drowned by floods. If anyone exchanges all the treasures in his family for love, he will be despised. Song of Songs 8:6-7

2. Adultery

Question: What is adultery and adultery?

Answer: Detailed explanation below

(1) According to the reborn holy spirit of faith:

1 Friends of the world--refer to James 4:4
2 The church united with the kings of the earth--Refer to Revelation 17:2

3. Those who are based on the law--refer to Romans 7:1-3, Gal. 3:10

(2) According to the commandments of the ordinances of the flesh:

1 You shall not commit adultery--Exodus 20:14
2 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries a divorced wife commits adultery. ” Luke 16:18

3 Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart - Matthew 5:27-28

3. How to distinguish between love and adultery

Question: How do Christians identify love?

Answer: A marriage coordinated by God is love!

1 A person wants to leave his parents,
2 Be united with your wife,
3 The two become one,
4 It is God’s cooperation,
5 Let no one be separated--Refer to Matthew 19:4-6
6 They were both naked,

7 Not ashamed--Refer to Genesis 2:24

Question: How do Christians identify adultery?

Answer: Any lust "outside" God's coordinated marriage is committing adultery.

(Example:) Genesis 6:2 When the sons of God saw the daughters of men who were beautiful, they took them as wives of their own choosing.

(Note:) Seeing the beauty of a man’s daughter (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes), he chooses at will (and the pride of this life) and takes her as his wife (neither comes from the Father “God”) → It is not a marriage coordinated by God . Reference James 2:16
Genesis 3-4 (not) God cooperates with human women to have children → "great men, heroic and famous people" → "heroes, idols, arrogant, proud" who like to be "kings" and have people worship or worship them object.
And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that all the thoughts of his thoughts were only evil continually, Genesis 6:5

4. Behavior and characteristics of (love, adultery)

Question: What actions are love? Are those acts committing adultery?

Answer: Detailed explanation below

(1) Husband and wife

1 The marriage of God’s cooperation

A man will leave his parents and cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh! A marriage joined by God cannot be separated by man. For example, a husband misses his wife or a wife misses her husband. The two are naked and "united" without shame → this is love. Please refer to 1 Corinthians 7:3-4.
Example: Adam and Eve - refer to Genesis 2:18-24
Example: Abraham and Sarah - refer to Genesis 12:1-5

Example: Isaac and Rebekah - refer to Genesis 24:67

2 A marriage blessed by God

Example: Noah and his family - refer to Genesis 6:18
Example: Jacob was loved by God, and his two wives and two maids gave birth to the twelve tribes of Israel. This was a marriage blessed by God!

Example: Ruth and Boaz – Reference Luke: 4:13

3 It is not a marriage coordinated by God

For example, if Abraham takes a concubine and sleeps with Hagar, Abraham will feel "ashamed" in his heart because he is unworthy of his wife Sarah! Therefore, it is a marriage that is not pleasing to God. In the end, most of the descendants of Hagar who "begot" Ishmael deviated from God's ways and abandoned God.

4 God does not look at human behavior

Example: Tamash and Judah

The behavior of Tamar, the daughter-in-law, and her father-in-law was considered a sin of "fornication" according to the laws of the flesh. However, God did not consider Tamar's behavior. He only considered her faith in God and her faith in bearing a son for the house of Judah. God declared her righteous. She is listed in Jesus’ genealogy. Refer to Genesis 38:24-26, Matthew 1:3 and Deuteronomy 22 "The Ordinance of Chastity"

Example: Lahab and Salmon--Matthew 1:5

Example: David and Bathsheba

David committed "adultery and borrowing a sword to kill." After David was disciplined by God, he gave birth to Solomon. God loved Solomon. And because David loved God wholeheartedly and followed God’s will in everything (leading the Israelites to trust God), he was called a man after God’s own heart. See Acts 13:22 and 2 Samuel 11-12.

(2) Unmarried men and women

"Boys and girls" refers to unmarried men and women. Boys and girls fall in love with each other and want to start a family. This is the beginning of love. If you have lustful thoughts with the other person in your heart, you are committing adultery.

As the Lord Jesus said: But I say to you, whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28

(3) Widows. Divorce and marriage issues

I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman who has been divorced commits adultery. ” Matthew 19:9

[As Paul’s own opinion]

1 To the unmarried and the widows

If you can't help it, you can get married. Instead of burning with desire, it would be better to get married. 1 Corinthians 7:9

2 If your husband dies, you can remarry

While the husband is alive, the wife is bound; if the husband dies, the wife is free to remarry as she pleases, but only to the person who is in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 7:39

(4) Extramarital affairs
"Hongxing comes out of the wall" describes a woman who is in full bloom and her sexual desires are activated during the estrus period. It refers to the wife having an affair and having an affair with a man. Whether a man has an extramarital affair or a woman has an extramarital affair, their behavior is committing adultery.
Both promiscuity and fornication between men and women are acts of committing adultery.
Therefore, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Their women have turned their natural use into an unnatural use; and so have their men, who have forsaken their natural use, and are consumed by lust, and lust after one another, and men do shameful things with men, and deserve for it upon themselves. retribution. Reference Romans 1:26-27

"Pleasure of sin": Some men or women obtain physical satisfaction and pleasure from sin through masturbation and masturbation. After the addiction wears off, they feel regret, pain, and emptiness in their souls. This is the act of committing adultery.

(7)Night dreams (wet dreams)

"Thinking every day, dreaming every night": A man's body secretes androgen hormones and discharges "semen". At night, he will follow the lust of his body. When he sleeps, he dreams of having physical intercourse with a woman he knows or does not know; the same goes for women." If you dream of having sex with a man when you are pregnant, you are committing adultery.

Leviticus 15:16-24, 22:4 "A man's nocturnal emission" is classified as unclean, and the same is true for women.

5. Whoever is born of God will never sin

Question: How can a person avoid committing adultery?

Answer: He who must be "born again" and is born of God will not commit adultery.

Question: Why?

Answer: Detailed explanation below

1 The regenerated new man is not of the flesh - refer to Romans 8:9
2 Abide in Christ Jesus--Refer to Romans 8:1
3 Hidden with Christ in God--Refer to Colossians 3:3

4 He who is born of God has a spiritual body, without the passions and desires of the flesh. (The new man) neither marries nor is given in marriage. See 1 Corinthians 15:44 and Matthew 22:30.


Anyone who is born of God and resurrected has a spiritual body - refer to 1 Corinthians 15:44; the new man does not belong to the old body - refer to Romans 8:9, so the regenerated (new man) does not have the evil passions and desires of the flesh, and does not marry or marry. To marry is like an angel from heaven! The regenerated new man will not sin, nor will he commit adultery.

For example, the commandments of carnal ordinances:

1 Thou shalt not kill

Jesus said, "People of this world marry and are given in marriage; but those who are reckoned worthy of that world neither marry nor are given in marriage to those who are alive from the dead; for they cannot die again, like the angels; and since they are resurrected, As the Son of God Luke 20:34-36.

[Note:] New people who are reborn and resurrected cannot die again, just like angels. At that time, do you need to observe the commandment "Thou shalt not kill"? No, right? You can't kill others, and others can't kill you. Your life is eternal and eternal, and there will be no more death or curse. Refer to Revelation 21:4, 22:3!

2 Thou shalt not commit adultery

Example: People who like to smoke and people who don’t like to smoke. People who like to smoke have their flesh sold to sin (see Romans 7:14). They like the law of sin (see Romans 7:23) and their hearts follow The flesh likes smoking;

Note: Because the regenerated new man is a spiritual body and no longer has the evil passions and desires of the flesh, they neither marry nor marry, just like angels! Therefore, anyone who is regenerated will neither sin nor commit adultery.

For where there is no law, there is no transgression (see Romans 4:15)

The regenerated new man is already free from the law, and there is no need for you to keep the commandments (not to commit adultery) and the regulations of the flesh. Anyone who is born of God neither sins nor commits adultery. Do you understand this? Refer to 1 John 3:9, 5:18

3 Thou shalt not steal

Note: Those whom he predestined he also called; those he called he also justified; those he justified he also glorified. Romans 8:30. In this case, is there still stealing in the kingdom of God? Do you still need to abide by "Thou shalt not steal"? No need, right?

4 Thou shalt not bear false witness

Note: The regenerated new man has the Father in him, the word of Christ in his heart, and the Holy Spirit renews himself to do things that please the Father! In this way, can he bear "false witness"? It is impossible, right! Because the Holy Spirit can understand all things, The Word of God is in us, and we can discern even the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. So do you still need to abide by these regulations? No need, right?

5 Don’t be greedy

Note: You who are born of God are all children of the Heavenly Father and are the inheritance of the Heavenly Father. He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things? Romans 8:32. In this way, if you have the inheritance of your heavenly Father, will you still covet other people’s things?

Brothers and sisters, remember to collect

Gospel transcript from:

the church in lord jesus christ



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