Explanation of difficult questions: A virtuous woman

10/28/24    6      gospel of salvation   
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Peace to all my dear brothers and sisters! Amen

Let’s open the Bible [Proverbs 31:10] and read together: Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth far more than pearls.

Today we will study, fellowship, and share " virtuous woman 》Prayer: Dear Abba, Holy Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen, thank the Lord!

virtuous woman The Church in the Lord Jesus Christ sends out workers - through the written and spoken word of truth in their hands, the gospel of our salvation! Provide us with heavenly spiritual food in time, so that our lives will be richer. Amen!

Ask the Lord Jesus to continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truths → Understand that "the virtuous woman" refers to the church in the Lord Jesus Christ → Who can get it? She is worth far more than pearls . Amen!

The above prayers, petitions, intercessions, thanksgivings, and blessings are made in the name of our Lord Jesus! Amen

Explanation of difficult questions: A virtuous woman

【1】On the Good Wife

-----A virtuous woman-----

I searched the Bible [Proverbs 31:10-15], opened it together and read: Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth far more than pearls . Her husband will have no lack of benefit if his heart trusts in her; she will benefit him and not harm him all his life. She sought out cashmere and linen and was willing to work with her hands. She is like a merchant ship bringing food from afar. She gets up before dawn, distributes the food to the people in her household, and assigns the work to her maidservants.

(1) Woman

[Genesis 2:22-24] So the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man formed a woman and brought her to the man. The man said, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You can call her woman, because she was taken from man." Therefore, a man will leave his parents and cleave to his wife. , the two become one.

( 2 ) descendant of woman -- Genesis 3:15 and Matthew 1:23: "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son; and they will call his name Immanuel." (Emmanuel is translated as "God and God.") We are in this together.")

( 3 ) The church is his body --Ephesians 1:23 The church is His body, filled with Him who fills all in all. Chapter 5 Verses 28-32 In the same way, husbands must love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. No one has ever hated his own body, but rather he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, for we are members of his body (some scriptures add: His flesh and bones). For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I am speaking of Christ and the church.

( Note: By examining the above scriptures, we record that Adam is a type and Jesus Christ is the true image;" woman "Eve is foreshadows the church , the church is bone of the bones and flesh of the flesh of Christ. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, he is the seed of the woman, we are born of God - in Christ Jesus the Lord Live with the true way For us, we eat and drink the body and blood of Christ, gaining His body and life. We are His members - bone of bone and flesh of flesh! Therefore, we are also descendants of women; we are not descendants of men from Adam. Do you clearly understand such a great mystery? Thank you Lord! )

Explanation of difficult questions: A virtuous woman-picture2

【2】Who can find a virtuous woman?

----Christian Church-----

I searched the Bible [Proverbs 31:10-29]
10 Who can find a virtuous woman? She is worth far more than pearls .

Note: "A virtuous woman refers to the church. The spiritual church"

11Her husband will have no lack of benefit if his heart trusts in her
12 She has done her husband no harm at all.
13 She looks for cashmere and flax, and works with her hands willingly.
14 She is like a merchant ship bringing grain from afar;
15 She gets up before dawn and distributes the food to the people in her household, assigning the work to her maidservants.

Note: "she" refers to church Spiritual food is transported from "far away" to the sky. Before dawn, the church prepares the food from heaven early, supplies the food "manna of life", that is, spiritual food, to the brothers and sisters according to the food distribution, and assigns the work to be done to "handmaids" who refer to those sent by God. Servants or workers preach the word of gospel truth! Do you understand this?

16 When she desired a field, she bought it; with the profit of her hands she planted a vineyard.
Note: "field" refers to world , were all redeemed by her, and she planted the vineyard, the "Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden" with the work of her hands.

17 With her ability ( Holy Spirit Power ) girdle your waist to make your arms strong.
18 She thinks her business is profitable; her lamp does not go out at night.
19 She holds the twisting rod in her hand, and the spinning wheel in her hand.
20 She opens her hand to the poor and extends her hand to the needy. Note: Church workers preach the gospel to poor people, allowing them to gain life. Not only do they gain life, they also eat and drink spiritual water and spiritual food to have an abundant life. Amen!
21 She did not worry about her family because of the snow, because the whole family was clothed in scarlet. →It is a type of "putting on the new self and putting on Christ".
Note: When famine and trouble come on the day of "snow", the church will not worry about family members because they all have the mark of Jesus on them. Amen
22 She made herself embroidered blankets; her clothes were of fine linen and purple cloth.
23 Her husband sat at the city gate with the elders of the country, and was known to everyone.
24 She made linen garments and sold them, and she sold her belts to the merchants.
25 Power and majesty are her clothes; she smiles as she thinks of what is to come.
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom; the law of mercy is on her tongue.
27 She observes the housework and does not eat idle food. Her children rise up and call her blessed;
28 Her husband also praised her;
29 said: “ There are many talented and virtuous women, but you are the only one who surpasses them all. ! "

Explanation of difficult questions: A virtuous woman-picture3

( Note: 【On the Good Wife】 virtuous woman :husband" Christ "Praise your wife" church "She is a virtuous woman, she opens her mouth with wisdom, she smiles when she thinks about the future, because her spiritual children hear the truth and go home. Just like Sarah laughed when she gave birth to Isaac! She does not eat idle food - and Food is transported from the sky to feed her family every day, and her children "point to us" rise up and call her blessed! Her husband also praises her, saying: "There are many talented and virtuous women, but you are the only one who surpasses them all!" "Amen. Revelation 19 8-9 Christ marrychurch ]The time has come. So, do you all understand clearly? Thank you Lord! Hallelujah!

This is the end of my fellowship and sharing with you today. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be with you all always! Amen

Stay tuned next time:

Gospel Manuscripts

From: Brothers and sisters in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ

Time: 2021-09-30


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This article’s blog URL:https://yesu.co/en/explanation-of-difficulties-a-virtuous-woman.html

  Troubleshooting , the church in lord jesus christ


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