Circumcision What is circumcision and true circumcision?

11/14/24    3      gospel of salvation   
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Dear friends* Peace to all brothers and sisters! Amen.

Let’s open our Bible to Romans chapter 2 verses 28-29 and read them together: For whoever is a Jew outwardly is not a true Jew, nor is circumcision outwardly physical. Only what is done within is a true Jew; true circumcision is also of the heart and depends on the spirit and does not care about rituals. This man’s praise does not come from man, but from God

Today we study, fellowship, and share God’s words together "What is circumcision and true circumcision?" 》Prayer: “Dear Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us!” Amen. Thank you “the virtuous woman” for sending workers through their hands who have written and spoken the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Bread is delivered to us from heaven to make our spiritual life richer! Amen. Ask the Lord Jesus to continue to illuminate our spiritual eyes and open our minds to understand the Bible and see and hear spiritual truths → Understanding what circumcision is and true circumcision depends on the spirit .

The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanksgivings, and blessings are made in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

Circumcision What is circumcision and true circumcision?

( 1 ) what is circumcision

Genesis 17:9-10 God also said to Abraham: "You and your descendants shall keep my covenant throughout your generations. All your males shall be circumcised; this is my covenant between you and your descendants. The covenant is yours to keep.

ask: What is circumcision?
answer: "Circumcision" means circumcision → All of you "men" must be circumcised (the original text is circumcision). This is the evidence of the covenant between me and you - refer to Genesis 17:11.

ask: When are men circumcised?

answer: On the eighth day after birth → All the males in your generations throughout your generations, whether they are born in your family or purchased with money from outsiders who are not your descendants, must be circumcised on the eighth day after their birth. Both those born in your house and those you buy with your money must be circumcised. Then my covenant will be established in your flesh as an everlasting covenant - See Genesis 17:12-13

( 2 ) What is true circumcision?

ask: What is true circumcision?
answer: For whoever is a Jew outwardly is not a true Jew, nor is circumcision outwardly physical. Only what is done within is a true Jew; true circumcision is also of the heart and depends on the spirit and does not care about rituals. This man's praise did not come from man, but from God. Romans 2:28-29.

Note: External physical circumcision is not true circumcision; "Why?" → Because external physical circumcision is carved on the flesh, the old human flesh will gradually deteriorate due to the deception of selfish desires and return to dust, nothingness, and vanity; so it is not true circumcision-- Refer to Ephesians 4:22

Circumcision What is circumcision and true circumcision?-picture2

( 3 ) True circumcision is Christ

ask: So what is true circumcision?

answer: "True circumcision" means that when Jesus was eight days old, he circumcised the child and named him Jesus; this was the name given by the angel before he was conceived. Reference-Luke 2:21

ask: Why is the circumcision of “Jesus” true circumcision?

answer: Because Jesus is the Word incarnate and the Spirit incarnate → He “ Lingcheng “If we eat and drink his circumcision Meat and Blood , we are his members, When He was circumcised, we were circumcised! Because we are members of his body . So, do you understand clearly? Refer to John 6:53-57

"Jews circumcised" Purpose "That is to return to God, but to be circumcised in the flesh - Adam's flesh is perishable due to lust and cannot inherit the kingdom of God, so circumcision in the flesh is not true circumcision → because those who are Jews outwardly are not true Jews; neither is circumcision in the outward flesh. True circumcision. Refer to Romans 2:28 → The law is a shadow. circumcised It's just a shadow, a shadow leads us to the realization of " Christ's spirit became body and was circumcised ” → We take the spirit into the circumcised body of Christ into our hearts →Jesus Christ resurrected us from the dead. In this way, we are God’s children, and we are truly circumcised! Only then can we return to God → To all who receive him, to those who believe in his name, he gives the right to become children of God. These are those who are not born of blood, not of lust, nor of the will of man, but are born of God. John 1:12-13

→So" true circumcision "It's in the heart and in the spirit! If we eat and drink the flesh and blood of the Lord, we are the members of his body, that is, we are born of children of God, and we are truly circumcised. Amen! → As the Lord Jesus said: "Born of the flesh What is born is flesh; what is born of the Spirit is spirit - refer to John 3 verse 6 → 1 only those who are born of water and the Spirit, 2 born of the true word of the gospel, 3 born of god That's true circumcision ! Amen

The "true circumcision" who returns to God will not see corruption and can inherit the kingdom of God → endure forever and live forever! Amen. So, do you understand clearly?

Therefore the apostle Paul said → For whoever is a Jew outwardly is not a true Jew, nor is circumcision outwardly of the flesh. Only what is done within is a true Jew; true circumcision is also of the heart and depends on the spirit and does not care about rituals. This man's praise did not come from man, but from God. Romans 2:28-29

Circumcision What is circumcision and true circumcision?-picture3

Dear friend! Thank you for the Spirit of Jesus → You click on this article to read and listen to the gospel sermon. If you are willing to accept and "believe" in Jesus Christ as the Savior and His great love, can we pray together?

Dear Abba Holy Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending your only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross "for our sins" → 1 free us from sin, 2 Free us from the law and its curse, 3 Free from the power of Satan and the darkness of Hades. Amen! And buried → 4 Putting off the old man and its deeds; he was resurrected on the third day→ 5 Justify us! Receive the promised Holy Spirit as a seal, be reborn, be resurrected, be saved, receive the sonship of God, and receive eternal life! In the future, we will inherit the inheritance of our Heavenly Father. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

OK! Today I would like to share my fellowship with you all. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be always with you all! Amen



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