Adventist Church
--Abbreviated as Seventh-day Adventist Church
--doctrinal errors:
1. Those who keep the letter → Sabbath
Mark 2:27-28 (Jesus) also said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Therefore, the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath."
ask: What is the Sabbath?
Answer: "The work of creation is completed"
Work for six days and rest on the seventh! →→Everything in heaven and earth has been created. By the seventh day, God's work in creating creation was completed, so he rested from all his work on the seventh day. Reference (Genesis 2:1-2)
Hebrews 4:9 So there must be another Sabbath rest for God’s people.
ask: What is another Sabbath?
Answer: "The work of redemption is completed"
(John 19:30) When Jesus tasted (originally received) the vinegar, he said, “ It’s done ! "He bowed his head and gave his soul to God.
Note: 【 soul 】The work of redemption is completed! Amen. Everyone who believes in Jesus → is in Christ: 1 be redeemed, 2 rest in peace, 3 Get the life of Christ, 4 Get eternal life! Amen
There will be another Sabbath rest →→It is rest in Jesus Christ, this is the real rest! So, do you understand?
( Seventh-day Adventist ) Keep the Sabbath of the Letter → " Saturday ” → The Sabbath in the law of the Ten Commandments of Moses, the letters call for death, and they keep the Sabbath that calls for death. “True Jesuits” and “Seventh-day Adventists” also keep the letters of the day.
ask: Why is the Sabbath kept to cause death?
answer: Because they could not keep the "Sabbath", they were stoned to death according to the law of Moses. So, do you understand?
Therefore Paul says: Keep your days, months, festivals, and years, and I fear for you, lest I labor in you in vain. (Galatians 4:10-11)
ask: What is true Sabbath keeping?
answer: 【 Hear the sermon 】→【 channel 】→【 Keep the Tao 】
1 " Hear the sermon "We heard the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation.
2 " channel "Since you believe in the gospel, the true way, and Jesus!
3 " Keep the Tao "Keep fast to the good way by the Holy Spirit
4 Where( letter ) Jesus’ people are now →→ Rest in Jesus Christ ! Amen→→I【 Believe, keep the way 】that is keep 【 Sabbath 】→→ Keep the Sabbath for life, not for you to keep days.” Sabbath ". So, do you understand?
As the Lord Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I am gentle and lowly in heart, take my yoke upon you and learn from me, and you will find rest for your hearts. (Matthew 11:28-29)
Warning to the unbelievers:
If Joshua had given them rest, God would not mention any other days. From this perspective, there must be another Sabbath rest remaining for God’s people. For he who enters rest has rested from his own works, just as God rested from his. Therefore, we must strive to enter that rest, lest anyone imitate disobedience and fall. (Hebrews 4:8-11)
2. Those who keep the letter → the law
(2 Corinthians 3:6) He has enabled us to serve as ministers of this new covenant, not by the letter, but by the spirit; for the letter kills, and the spirit (or translated: the Holy Spirit) It is to make people live.
ask: What words call for death?
answer: Law→→If you keep the ordinances of the law, you will die.
ask: Why?
answer: ( To keep the law is to do the things of the law ) Everyone who is based on the works of the law is under a curse; for it is written: "Cursed is anyone who does not continue to do everything written in the book of the law." No one is cursed. Being justified before God by the law is obvious; for the Bible says: "The righteous shall live by faith." (Galatians 3:10-11). So, do you understand?
Note: The Seventh-day Adventists →taught them to be careful - things that bring death and damnation ( words ) law, which is a dead end and a curse. Do you understand?
3. The Seventh-day Church is built on the foundation of (false prophets)
(Hebrews 11-2) God, who in time past spoke to our fathers by the prophets at many times and in many ways, has now spoken to us in these last days by his Son, whom he also appointed heir of all things. Through him the worlds were created.
ask: Who did God speak through in ancient times?
answer: The prophets spoke → " In ancient times "That is, the Old Testament, which was spoken to the ancestors many times and in many ways.
ask: Who does God speak through in the last days?
answer: His son spoke → " the end of the world "Refers to the New Testament, God speaks to us through His Son Jesus. Everyone who believes in Jesus is the son of God, and the last days are spoken through the Son of God→ Peter, John, Paul The gospel letters preached, etc., and we are all sons of God, and God also speaks through us → preach the gospel of Jesus Christ! Amen
ask: "The Prophets" said prophecy To whom? stop Already?
answer: John the Baptist
For all the prophets and the law prophesied, down to John. Reference (Matthew 11:13)
Note: The prophets and the law prophesied until John → The prophets prophesied the birth of Christ, prophesied that Christ would save His people, prepare the way of the Lord and make His paths straight, the prophets prophesied until John.
ask: Nowadays many churches have claims to be →" prophet ”→What’s going on?
answer: In the last days, God preaches the gospel through His Son. As for claiming to be “ prophet "Prophecy, if their prophecies do not come true, it must be ( Fake )prophet.
Note: ( Seventh-day Adventist ) is based on ( Ellen White) built upon the doctrines of false prophets, Ellen White Claiming to be a prophet, he once prophecy Christ's second coming on October 22, 18844 "is about to come". However, he was disappointed because Christ did not come. He also claimed to have seen many visions and so on.
In the Old Testament, God spoke prophecies through the prophets. When the prophets prophesied, God spoke through the mouths of the prophets → The prophecies would be fulfilled 100% of the time.
but (Ellen White ) is a person in the New Testament, and the New Testament is God speaking through the Son to preach the gospel, ( Ellen White ) claims to be a prophet, but her prophecies have not come true. She is obviously ( Fake )prophet.
came out recently" Yao Lianghong "Professing to be a prophet, she is related to the Seventh-day Adventist Church" Ellen White "They are all false prophets, They have common characteristics They will take you captive by their own doctrine and empty deceit, not according to Christ but according to the tradition of men and the children of the world.
Therefore, Christians should be more alert and discerning in the last days → 1 John Chapter 4 Dear brothers, do not believe every spirit, but you must test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have come out in the world. . Note: What comes from God in the last days is God’s Spirit, the Son, who speaks and preaches the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. God’s words in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation have been inspired, and there is no need for prophets to always prophesy. What is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true. It can be revealed by measuring it with the "reed" of the Bible. So, do you understand?
Hymn: Leaving the Lost Garden
OK! Today we will study, fellowship, and share with our brothers and sisters.
Looking forward to continuing next time---
Time: 2021-09-29