The Salvation of the Soul (Lecture 6)

12/03/24    3      gospel of salvation   
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Peace to my dear brothers and sisters in God’s family! Amen

Let’s open our Bible to 1 Corinthians 15 and verse 44 and read together: What is sown is a physical body, what is raised is a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there must also be a spiritual body.

Today we will study, fellowship, and share together "The Salvation of Souls" No. 6 Speak and offer a prayer: Dear Abba Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that the Holy Spirit is always with us! Amen. Thank you Lord! The virtuous woman [the church] sends out workers: through the word of truth written and shared in their hands, which is the gospel of our salvation, our glory, and the redemption of our bodies. Food is transported from the sky from afar and supplied to us at the right time to make our spiritual life richer! Amen. Ask the Lord Jesus to continue to illuminate the eyes of our souls and open our minds to understand the Bible so that we can hear and see spiritual truths: Let us believe the gospel and gain the soul and body of Jesus! Amen .

The above prayers, supplications, intercessions, thanks, and blessings! I ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

The Salvation of the Soul (Lecture 6)

Sons and daughters born from God

---Get the Body of Christ---

1. Believe and live with Christ

ask: how( letter ) resurrected with Christ?
answer: If we have been united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be united with him in the likeness of his resurrection; Reference (Romans 6:5)

ask: How to physically unite with him?
answer: The body of Christ hangs on the wood,

( letter ) My body hangs on the wood,
( letter )The body of Christ is my body,
( letter ) When Christ died, my body of sin died,
→→this Join him in the form of death ! Amen
( letter ) Christ’s bodily burial is my bodily burial.
( letter ) The resurrection of Christ’s body is the resurrection of my body.
→→this to be united with him in the form of resurrection ! Amen
So, do you understand?
If we die with Christ, we believe that we will live with him. Reference (Romans 6:8)

2. Christ resurrected from the dead and regenerated us

ask: How are we born again?
answer: Believe the gospel →Understand the truth!

1 Born of water and the Spirit --Refer to John 3:5
2 Born from the truth of the gospel --Refer to 1 Corinthians 4:15
3 Born of God --Refer to John 1:12-13
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has regenerated us into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Reference (1 Peter 1:3)

3. Resurrection is the spiritual body

ask: Resurrected with Christ, we are physical body Resurrection?
answer: The resurrection is spiritual body ; no physical resurrection .

What is sown is a physical body, what is raised is a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there must also be a spiritual body. Reference (1 Corinthians 15:44)

ask: What is a spiritual body?
Answer: The body of Christ → is the spiritual body!

ask: Is the body of Christ different from us?
answer: Detailed explanation below

1 Christ is ( road ) became flesh; we are earth made flesh
2 Christ is ( god ) became flesh; we are made of dust
3 Christ is ( spirit ) became flesh; we are flesh and blood
4 body of christ Immortal ; our bodies see decay
5 body of christ Not seeing death ; Our bodies see death.

ask: Where are we now with our resurrected bodies in the shape of Christ?
Answer: In our hearts! Our souls and bodies are hidden with Christ in God →The Holy Spirit testifies with our hearts that we are children of God. Amen! Refer to Romans 8:16 and Colossians 3:3

ask: Why can’t we see the body born of God?
answer: Our resurrected body with Christ → Yes spiritual body ,us( old man ) naked eye Can't see ( Newcomer ) own spiritual body.

As the Apostle Paul said → Therefore, we do not lose heart. ( visible ) Although the outer body is destroyed, the inner body ( invisible newcomer ) is being renewed day by day. Our momentary and light sufferings will work for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. It turns out we are not what Gu Nian saw ( Body ), but caring about what is not seen ( spiritual body ); because what is seen is temporary ( The body will eventually return to dust ), the invisible ( spiritual body ) is forever. So, do you understand? Reference (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

ask: why the apostles naked eye The visible resurrected body of Jesus?
answer: The resurrected body of Jesus is spiritual body →The spiritual body of Jesus is not limited by space, time, or material. It can appear to more than 500 brothers at a time, or it can be hidden from their naked eyes. →Their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him. Suddenly Jesus disappeared. Reference (Luke 24:3) and 1 Corinthians 15:5-6

ask: When does our spiritual body appear?
answer: Detailed explanation below

1 The day when Christ returns!

For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, appears, you also will appear with him in glory. Reference (Colossians 3:3-4)

2 You must see his true form

You see what love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and we are truly his children. That’s why the world doesn’t know us ( reborn new man ), because I have never known him ( Jesus ). Dear brothers, we are children of God now, and what we will be in the future has not yet been revealed; but we know that when the Lord appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He is.

→→ Note: “If the Lord appears, we will see His true form, and when we appear with Him, we will also see our own spiritual bodies”! Amen. So, do you understand? Reference (1 John 3:1-2)

Four: We are members of his body

Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? This Holy Spirit, who is from God, lives in you; and you are not your own (1 Corinthians 6:19)

ask: Are our bodies the temple of the Holy Spirit?
answer: Born from God ( invisible ) → " spiritual body "It is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

ask: Why?
answer: Because the visible body →comes from Adam, the outer body will gradually deteriorate, become sick and die →this old wineskin cannot hold new wine ( Holy Spirit ), can leak, so our flesh is not the temple of the Holy Spirit;

temple of the holy spirit 】yes Refers to the invisiblespiritual body , is the body of Christ, we are the members of his body, this is the temple of the Holy Spirit! Amen. So, do you understand?

→For we are members of his body (some ancient scrolls add: His bones and his flesh). Reference (Ephesians 5:30)

living sacrifice 】Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, my brothers, because of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice...

ask: Does the living sacrifice refer to my physical body?
answer : Living sacrifice means rebirth " spiritual body ” → Christ’s body is a living sacrifice, and we are the members of his body who are living sacrifices → Holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual service. Amen

Note: If you don’t understand rebirth and discernment, you will offer your body → This body comes from Adam, it is filthy and unclean, it is subject to decay and death, and it is a death sacrifice.
If you offer a living sacrifice that God wants, you are offering a dead sacrifice. Think about how serious the consequences will be. Right! Therefore, you must know how to be holy.

5. Eat the Lord’s Supper and bear witness to receiving the Lord’s body

Is not the cup we bless a partaker of the blood of Christ? Is the bread we break not partake of the body of Christ? (1 Corinthians 10:16)

ask: ( letter ) was resurrected with Christ, didn’t he already possess the body of Christ? Why do you still want to receive his body?
answer: I( letter ) to obtain the spiritual body of Christ, we must also witness Gain the body of Christ and you will have more in the future experience Spiritual physical manifestation →Jesus visible to the naked eye” cake "Instead of his body (the bread of life), in the cup" grape juice "Instead of his Blood , life , soul →Eat the Lord’s Supper Purpose is calling us keep promise , keep it for other purposes Blood established with us New Testament , keep the way, use ( confidence ) keep that which is born of God within ( soul body )! Until Christ returns and the real body appears → You must examine yourselves to see if you have faith, and test yourselves. Do you not know that if you are not reprobate, you have Jesus Christ in you? So, do you understand? Reference (2 Corinthians 13:5)

6. If the Spirit of God dwells in your hearts, you will not be of the flesh.

If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are no longer of the flesh but of the Spirit. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. (Romans 8:9)

ask: The Spirit of God dwells in the heart, so why are we not carnal?
answer: When the Spirit of God dwells in your hearts, you will be a regenerated new man. You ( Newcomer )yes invisible → is " spiritual body "You are born of God" Newcomer "The spiritual body does not belong to ( old man )flesh. The old man's body died due to sin, and his soul ( spiritual body ) lives justified by faith. So, do you understand?
If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the soul is alive because of righteousness. Reference (Romans 8:10)

7. Anyone born of God will never sin

1 John 3:9 Whoever is born of God does not sin, because the word of God abides in him; nor can he sin, because he is born of God.

ask: Why do those who are born of God not sin?
answer: Because the word of God (original text means "seed") exists in his heart, he cannot sin →
1 When God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and God’s Holy Spirit exist in your heart, you are born again ( Newcomer ),
2 The new man is the spiritual body ( does not belong ) the old man who sinned in the flesh,
3 The soul and body of the new man are hidden with Christ in God. Where is Christ now? In heaven! You are reborn as new beings in heaven. Christ is at the right hand of God the Father, and you are also at the right hand of God the Father! Amen – refer to Ephesians 2:6
4 The death of the old man's body through sin, into the death of Christ, has been extinguished and buried in the grave. It is no longer me who lives, it is Christ who lives for me. Now " Newcomer" What sin can be committed in Christ? Are you right? Therefore Paul said → You also have to pay your respects to sin ( look ) himself is dead, always ( look ) until his sinful body returns to the dust, he will die and experience the death of Jesus. So, do you understand? Refer to Romans 6:11

8. Anyone who sins has not known Jesus

1 John 3:6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin; whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

ask: Why do people who sin never know Jesus?
answer: sinner, sinner

1 Never saw him, never knew Jesus ,
2 Not understanding the salvation of souls in Christ,
3 Have not received the sonship of God ,
4 People who commit sin → are not reborn .
5 People who commit crimes are of the age of the snake → they are the children of the snake and the devil .

We know that whoever is born of God will never sin; whoever is born of God will keep himself (there are ancient scrolls: He who is born of God will protect him), and the evil one will not be able to harm him. Reference (1 John 5:18)

Note: Born from God →" spiritual body "Hidden in God with Christ. Christ is now at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. Your regenerated life is also there. The evil one is on earth and the roaring lion is prowling around. How can it hurt you? Right! So Paul Say → May the God of peace sanctify you completely, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, He will do it. Reference (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)

Gospel transcript sharing, inspired by the Spirit of God. Workers of Jesus Christ, Brother Wang*Yun, Sister Liu, Sister Zheng, Brother Cen, and other co-workers support and work together in the gospel work of the Church of Jesus Christ. They preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gospel that allows people to be saved, glorified, and have their bodies redeemed! Amen

Hymn: Amazing Grace

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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen

Time: 2021-09-10


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