Hebrews 11:24-25 By faith, when Moses grew up, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He would rather suffer with God's people than enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin.
ask: What are the pleasures of sin?
answer: In a sinful world, enjoying the pleasure of sin is called the pleasure of sin.
ask: How to distinguish the pleasure of sin from the joy of enjoying God?
answer: Detailed explanation below
1. The flesh has been sold to sin
We know that the law is of the spirit, but I am of the flesh and have been sold to sin. Reference (Romans 7:14) → For example, Moses in Egypt was the son of Pharaoh’s children, and Egypt represents the world, the sinful world. When the Israelite Moses grew up, he knew that he was God’s chosen people, a holy chosen people. He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's children and enjoy the wealth of Egypt → including all the knowledge, learning, food, drink and pleasure of Egypt. He would rather suffer with God's people than temporarily enjoy the pleasures of sin. When he saw the suffering of the people, he saw the humiliation of Christ → He refused to be the son of Pharaoh's children and fled Egypt to the wilderness at the age of 40. After 40 years of tending sheep in Midian, he forgot his identity as a son and daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh, and forgot all the knowledge, learning and talents in Egypt. Only when he was 80 years old did God call him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Just as the Lord Jesus said: "Truly I say to you, whoever is not like a child will not be able to enter the kingdom of God." Only God used Moses to turn back to the likeness of a child. The likeness of a child is weakness and does not rely on worldly knowledge and learning. and wisdom, relying solely on God’s wisdom. So, do you understand?
Moses is the son of Pharaoh's children, which typifies the flesh sold to sin, and the flesh enjoying the sinful Egyptian king's possessions and all the food, drink, play, and pleasures. The physical enjoyment of these pleasures → is called enjoying the pleasure of sin!
Therefore, Moses refused to be the son of Pharaoh's children, but was willing to suffer in the flesh with the people → because he who suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. Reference (1 Peter Chapter 4:1), do you understand this?
2. Those born of God are not of the flesh
If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are no longer of the flesh but of the Spirit. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. Reference (Romans 8:9)
ask: Why do things born of God not belong to the flesh?
answer: The Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of the Son of God are “one spirit” and that is the Holy Spirit! If the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, dwells in your hearts → that is, the Holy Spirit dwells in Christ (we are members of His body), Since you are the body of Christ, you are not of the "Adamic" flesh; your body of Christ is of the Holy Spirit! Amen. If Christ is in you, (the Adamic body does not belong to us) the body is dead because of sin. , but the spirit (the Holy Spirit) lives by righteousness. (Romans 8:10), do you understand this?
3. The pleasure of sin and the joy of enjoying God
ask: How to distinguish the pleasure of sin from the joy of enjoying God?
answer: Detailed explanation below
(1) Pleasure in sin
1 The flesh has been sold to sin --Refer to Romans 7:14
2 To be carnally minded is death --Refer to Romans 8:6
3 Food is the belly, and the belly is food, but God will cause both to be destroyed. --Refer to 1 Corinthians 6:13
Note: When we were in the flesh, we were already sold to sin → If you follow the flesh and have a mind set on the flesh, that is death, because the wages of sin is death. Food is the belly, and the belly of the flesh is for food → → You are considerate of the flesh, always eat well, drink well, play well, and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh → → enjoy the pleasure of sin! For example, when you work hard to make money, you always eat well for your body, dress well for your body, and buy a villa to live in well. If your body enjoys this kind of pleasure, you are enjoying the pleasure of sin. There are also games, idol dramas, sports, dancing, health care, beauty, travel... and more! It means that you [live] in Adam, in Adam's body, in Adam's [sinful] body → enjoy the joy and fun of [sinful body]. This is following the flesh and caring about the things of the flesh → the joy of sin. So, do you understand?
The new man we are born of God is not of the flesh. Things about the body → As long as you have food and clothing, you should be content . Reference (1 Timothy 6:8)
(2)Enjoy the joy of God
1 spiritual songs of praise --Ephesians 5:19
2. Pray often --Luke 18:1
3 Thank you often --Ephesians 5:20
Give thanks always to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. Be willing to donate to workers to spread the gospel and bring the gospel of salvation to people. --2 Corinthians 8:3
5 Place donations and treasures in heaven --Matthew 6:20
6 Workers who receive fax channels → “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me; whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Matthew 10:40
7 Take up your cross and preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven --Mark 8:34-35. Although we suffer and suffer in the flesh for the word of God, we still have great joy in our souls. This is the joy of enjoying God in Christ! Amen. So, do you understand?
Hymn: You are the King of Glory
alright! That’s all we have shared today. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be with you always! Amen